
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Wonderful Wednesday...Apple Day!

This is Mr. Carrier's last day before he gets married on Saturday!
 We made him a wedding card that you see in the picture.
The k kids wrote it...
"Mr. Carrier, Good luck on your wedding day. We will miss you. Will you dance? Will your  mom be there? Love, Kindergarten"
Too Funny!!!!!

We had a blast with our apple theme today!

 Mr. Riebel helped us out!!!!

 What a hard working bunch!

check out the smartboard work!

 The silly apple pass game....
 no hands...
 lots of giggles....
 Mrs.Gnadt  made it back for the rest of the morning

Love those apples!
We painted them with balloons!!!!

These are our apple core project!
Another fun filled day!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Happy Apple Days!!!!

Today we met Ms. Todd~our Guidance Counselor!  
We played a fun name game~next week we begin a unit on feelings.
Ms. Todd

 It was also letter Jj day....
Having Jelly Beans and Jet Puffs and Juice
Love those JAZZY napkins!
Books we've read this week:

Ten Apples Up On Top!
wait to see our version
in our Lucky Duck book
Up, up, up! It's Apple Picking Time
yes, this one made me
 cry a  little...when Grandma/pa
said goodbye!
The Apple Pie Tree                           Johnny Appleseed
We graphed our apples two different ways:
by color                and                   by size    

 We also began making our apple treats:
Dried apples smell sooooo sweet!
Since they take a couple of days we started them today.
Applesauce is on the menu for Thursday!

I LOVE cooking with Kindergarteners!

Here are a few of our "Which Doesn't Belong?" bags...
Well done, Kiddos!


Sunday, September 25, 2011

Harvest Home!

September 26-30 in Kindergarten:
BIG NEWS: Apple Orchard field trip on Friday!

Twenty parents are going with us...WOW!  We will go rain or shine so help your child to dress for the weather.
Many kiddos signed up for cold lunch that day....please remember to send those yummy lunches as we were not able to order extra school lunches.

*******Funny Quote from last week*********
Kiddo, excited to go outside, reviewing safety guidelines volunteered "No running on the woodchucks!"
Me trying not to laugh: "We probably shouldn't run on the WOODCHIPS either..." 
"OH, Woodchips...I was wondering where those little guys were!"

Reading/Language Arts: Letters Ii, Jj, Kk, and Ll  plus rhyming!
Math: numerals and one/one correspondence to 10
Theme: APPLES...the life cycle of an apple tree is highlighted as well as apple graphing, counting, sorting.
We will make APPLESAUCE!   MMMMMM!!!

O'DUGGAN FAMILY NEWS~Weekly update....

After baking banana bread, cheesecake, chocolate chip cookies, homemade crackers....
Yummy homemade cheezy spicy crackers
Recipe on PINTEREST (my newest addiction!)

 and bread Saturday and Sunday
(along with BLT's for lunch and prepping ribs/veggies for supper)
my hubby brings to me 
(grinning ear to ear)
a bushel of grapes, 2 three gallon pails of tomatoes, and a basket of apples.

The kitchen looks BOUNTIFUL!
3 quarts of tomato sauce and 3 quarts of salsa later,
there is room on the table to eat!
The grapes will wait for me until mid week...PLAY MEETING MONDAY
Hope you can make it!

More photos of FALL FUN and BEAUTY:

yes, that's my goat, Pooka, eating my plant....

Happy Fall!!!!!!