
Monday, February 27, 2012

Truffula trees are what EVERYONE needs!

Hi, Everyone!  
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Read Across America Week
as we celebrate reading and Dr. Seuss' Birthday!

 I had tons of fun creating truffula trees (from the Lorax)
Pinterest idea!!!!  Yay!!!! 
I actually wanted to make a forest of Truffela trees but ran out of
pipe insulators and tissue paper.

 And here is an annual tradition for Fionn and I:
Green Eggs and Ham!
(Actually pretzels, white chocolate, and green M&M's)
We make enough for his class and all 3 K rooms!

Monday a note will go home about sending in any Dr. Seuss books you have.
We will return them on Friday.

Here are a couple of books from last week as we wrapped up dental health and American symbols:
You Think It's Easy Being the Tooth Fairy? America the Beautiful I Know Why I Brush My Teeth 

Dear Parents,

Thanks to everyone who made it to our final parent/teacher conferences last week.  We had nearly 100% turnout!  Thanks also to all the families who purchased books for our classrooms from the Book Fair! You are awesome!

This week in K we are celebrating Read Across America and Dr. Seuss' Birthday with the whole entire nation!
This year's focus is The Lorax!
Our theme days are as follows:
Monday-crazy, hairy day (The Lorax IS a furry little fella!)
Tuesday-tree day (brown bottoms/green tops)
Wednesday-go green day (The Lorax teaches us to take care of our world)
Thursday-endangered animal day
Friday-rainbow day...Kindergarten's color is orange

Reading finds us looking at the letter Qq, sound for /q/, short i words, quotation marks, the star words 'is' and 'here',  and ending sounds.
In Math we will continue geometric solids as we learn cylinder, cone,cube, sphere, and rectangular prism; plus counting and numerals to 50.
Of course our theme is Dr. Seuss!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Book Fairs and Conferences and Flags

Thanks to everyone who came to conferences!
It is crazy how quickly our year is sailing by.

We began our week with a BOOK FAIR!
Here are a few pics of k kids perusing the books...

Wonderful Wednesday was FLAG day...

And of course we had time for building... 

Thursday we made apple pie!!!!!

Two kiddos searching for hidden objects.
I love that they are reading and checking off items!

Studing the globe...

 Building sentences with a partner

Noah's mom helping with giant tooth brushes

 We wrote about the tooth fairy at my table

 And we jumped and measured with links with Mr. C

On top of all this learning fun, we also hosted our Friday
rest movie with Mrs. Pilger's kids on pajama day!
They stayed for a play date!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I'm baaaaack from Atlanta and ready to go!

Oh My Goodness!  What a whirlwind trip!
I left for the airport at 2:30 on Thursday
and after an uneventful trip
(unless you count the full body pat down at the airport)
I arrived in Atlanta at 9:30.
The weather was fabulous~in the 60's and usually sunny!
 I spent Friday on my own  while my boy was at work
and since Graham lives 1/2 block from Atlanta's largest park
and 1 block from midtown (that lovely skyline in the background)
I had no trouble filling my time!
 Friday evening we had supper at an artsy little place around the corner called  The Nook.
TOTchos were on the menu...tater tot nachos is what they were and DELICIOUS, too!
 Saturday we ran errands and I had to get some PEACHES
Unfortunately the peach crop in Georgia is not ready yet...
the trees are not even budded out
soooooo these peaches are from CHILE...better than none!

Then we went letterboxing in that big park...
Graham found it right away!
We also found cypress knees and sweet gum "balls"
What fun!

Another new experience for me was riding the train!
We took MARTA to another part of Atlanta to see
Well, the gift shop anyway as the lines were too long!

Our lunch was cocktails
(diet Coke straight up)
on top of this revolving skyscraper
72 floors of breathtaking scenery!

Before I knew it, it was time to fly home!
However, my kiddos and hubby met me first
(along with Graham's girlfriend, Melissa, who teaches in the Cities)
for a tour of REAL PIRATES at the Science Museum of Minnesota.
What swashbuckling fun!!!

We made it home around 8 pm to totally CRASH!
I snuggled up to watch a movie with John and was asleep before he even turned on the TV!

Monday, Lee was home!!! 
He spent the time showing the kids how to call for Sasquach...never a dull (or quiet!) moment!

For those of you interested, my facebook page has tons of pics.
The K site will be updated later this week with pics of America the Beautiful workshop.

Here's a couple of Valentines shots that got away from last week's blog:

Glad to be back...very grateful for the lovely experiences!
SOOOOOOOOOOOOO,  here's this week at a glance

Reading: letter Kk, sound for /k/ and short i, quotation marks.
Math: measuring, number sense, and counting to 50 FAST!
Themes: our themes vary, but Mrs. O's class are finishing two subjects:
America the Beautiful and Dental Health!

Book Fair is Tuesday and Thursday evening during conferences!
Please come and browse!