
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Week 33 Earth Day,Purple Cows, PIGLETS!, HOE-DOWN, homemade bread, butter, ice cream!!!

We began our week with EARTH DAY projects!
Here are our morning challenges....
missing number...

5 Senses Review....

Matching Number Words to Numerals

Oh, YES!  The Veterinarian Clinic is OPEN for business!

A big thank you to Eli's Dad for lending us some 
great REAL vet tools!

We created some lovely EARTHs 

On Tuesday we had PURPLE COWS!
1 or 2 scoops of vanilla ice cream in a tall glass
top it off with grape juice!

We also made our bread on Tuesday....
Oh, the aroma was heavenly!!!!!
Here are my little hams posing with the ingredients...

Tuesday's centers included....
An Earth Day page....

A Trash or Treasure word game....

A Science Page....

An Earth Day Math Game...

And a Recycle Readers word activity...

On Wednesday during our switch-a-roo
I baked bread with Mrs. Kalmes' and Mrs. Pilger's kids...

Many of our K Kids brought in their cowboy boots...
How cute!

Here are some of the cuties all dressed up for our Hoe-Down!

While we continued to bake bread in our room,
the kids went to Mrs. Pilger to make real BUTTER 
and to Mrs. Kalmes' to make ICE CREAM!

My little buck-a-roos at rest!

Here is our ice cream....
and our butter 

Rod, the evening custodian, donated homemade jam!

This is our homemade treats!


Our new morning challenges included...
Piggy counting by 5s

Rabbit Numeric Order to 50

Farm Animal Word Match

We also learned how to DRAW purple cows.....

Are you ready for this?
We got to pet and watch 2 PIGLETS!!!!

Oh Oh sweet!

Here are our piggies!
and our cows....

and our hens...

Thursday centers were farm themed...
One of our favorites, digging in the corn for letters to make words...

Mrs. Wishy Washy's hidden animal words...
We had to find them with magnifying glasses!

Mrs. McGuire, a student teacher from 2nd grade,
stopped by to check out our awesome kindergarten class
and stayed to help with centers!
This one is adding on ....not just addition, but 
counting on from a and smart!

Animal sounds with quotation mark review!

And tally mark cows....

Wow, what a week!
We are reading Junie B. Jones Has A Peep in Her Pocket!
It is a chapter book and it is very funny!
Check some of the Junie B. books out if you've a chance...

The Week of April 29 - May 3
Reading: Letter Ee, Star Words 'she' and 'play', blending words
Math: Calendar
Theme: Farm and Pets
Science: "What are things made of?"
and "How can I change things?"


Friday, May 17 we are heading to Special Olympics 
to watch our 3 Kindergarten Athletes compete!
Friday, May 24 Oxbow Zoo....look for volunteer forms soon!
Thursday, May 30 Kindergarten Family Picnic at 11:30ish
 at Farmers' Park
Friday, May 31 LAST DAY OF SCHOOL 
Early Dismissal 1:00!!!!!!