
Thursday, December 21, 2017


Here's wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas!
I'll be hosting a small gathering at our home for 4 of my 6 kiddos and then I'm flying to Atlanta for my 
Georgia Peach granddaughter's 
1st birthday celebration! 

Before we begin our week,  here's a treat from Mr. Harper,  our music teacher... he recorded the k kids doing a Christmas poem!

We've had a blast this week performing the SANTA song...

 We've been learning about our 5 senses... Christmas style!
 We created this cutie little elf book to review our 5 senses...

 This is a reprint of a photo of our completed igloo!  Oh it was a good one this year!  Thanks to everyone who sent in milk jugs,  we couldn't do this without you!
 Another lesson this week was on color words...

I just loved this week's homework!
What gift would you prefer?
It gets kids thinking about what others might like... the spirit of giving!

 Tuesday's centers included:
Christmas object I Spy...

 geometric shape building with gum drops and tooth picks...

They were all so proud I had to take TONS of pictures!

Christmas stocking color words
(Read the room)...

 Santa Claus number search and record on a tens frame...

 Wednesday's morning challenges included:
Santa puzzle...

 Merry Christmas words...

 Christmas lights number lines...

 The kiddos asked to continue building with Tuesday's centers supplies... gum drops and tooth picks.  
Today they could build anything their little hearts desired!  Just look at those structures...

We had our first independent practice with listening to sounds in words (phonemes)  How many sounds?  This was pretty tricky!  

Wednesday we created these delicious polar express trains to eat during Thursday's party day!

Here's a peek at our Polar Express hot cocoa bar....mmmmmm!
Thanks to all who sent in items!

My hubby buys these mugs each year for my class!  Thank you,  John!

 We even have a train!

Pajama day! 

 Yep, even the teacher wore something close to pajamas!

Polar Express Hot Cocoa Bar...
(thanks for your help, Jennifer!)

 Ms. Kay read us a fantastic Christmas story...
 To wrap up our day, we received ELF names and had a cookie decorating party!

Good reads...
And now for the week of January 2-5:
Reading: short a words, ab family,
Star words: me & come
Math: teen numbers
Science: Animals have body parts
Social Studies: Our World
Theme: New Years and mittens
No school for students on January 26
END of the Semester
Teacher Workshop Day