
Wednesday, November 27, 2019

2019 Week 13 Thanksgiving Super Short Week!

Dear K Families,
Following are the screenshots from my Instragram post about this week in kindergarten.

Mostly I want you to know how grateful I am for you!
Being a parent is hard,  I know...(remember  6 kids! And I didn't even mess any of them up too much! )
Thank you for sharing your precious k kid with me!
Thank you for sending your little ones ready and eager to learn!
Thank you for juggling everything that must be done to raise healthy,  happy,  well adjusted kids while maintaining your own sanity.
Just thank you!

Enjoy Thanksgiving with your family! 

And now for the week of December 2-6:
Reading/ Language Arts:
Letter Pp, star word "to"
Verbs, adjectives for numbers
Math: Addition
Social Studies: Meeting needs
Theme:  polar animals
Big News :
Due to the snow day on Wednesday the end of the month items will be sent home on Monday including BookIt for December
December's Family Project
(A gingerbread person! )

Plus a call out for 
the bottom 1/3 of plastic milk/ juice/water gallon jugs. 
We're making an igloo! 

Friday, November 22, 2019

2019 November Week 12 Tt, Star Word 'we' , and Turkeys!

Wow!  Where is November going? 
Time is just flying by!
On Monday we wrapped up our Outer Space unit by designing and writing about our own 

Tuesday's centers included:
Family Fun Beginning Sounds...

Collecting and Recording Data Fall Version...


Brain Break!  Fall Paintings!

Recognizing Numerals to 30 with KIDS!

Fall Animal Pattern Blocks...

The Turkey Table is up and running!
My Dad's decoy has been gracing
 this station for 26 years now!  
He'd be so happy to see her here! 

We reviewed verbs with the fun turkey story
Run, Turkey, Run!
Then we used our own verbs to help him get away!

Wednesday's new morning challenges were:
Turkey Addition...

Turkey Beginning Sounds...

Counting by 10s with Turkeys...

This terrific kid brought our Tt Treat...
Trolls, Turtles, Toy Story Fruit Snacks 
and Twists (pretzel!)  
Tremendous Job!

We've begun our Social Studies unit on Long Ago and Now.
We've had fun sorting...

 There's more fun to come with this topic next week!

Our Language Arts skills have just
with listening to where we hear the sounds...
WOW!  That's a hard one but 
we can do hard things!

Wednesday afternoon I painted their hands to make those cutie patootie turkey handprints that we all cherish!
They'll be finished next week.

We have our first counting to 100 stars!
(one more child should be highlighted but she was absent during our celebration)

As always the kiddos are building and creating like crazy during choice time!

Thursday's centers included:
Turkeys +1...


Turkey Star Word Race...

Turkey Beginning Sounds...

Tricky Turkey Letters Sort
Yep, the hard ones to tell apart!


Read the Room
Turkey Color Words Style...

 We really are reading now!

 Good Reads this week...

 For our Home and Family Unit we gathered data to show 
It's a lovely interactive display!

I just love it when the kiddos practice at choice time!

And now for the week of November 25-27:
(no blog next week due to the short week)
Reading/Language Arts: Letter Cc 
Star Word 'a'
Adjectives for colors      Verbs
Math: Categorize and Record Data
Social Studies: Family History
Theme: Turkeys, Thanksgiving, Gratitude
No School Thursday and Friday 
Thanksgiving Break
