
Sunday, September 27, 2020

September Week 3

Time to get into the bee hives!  

I LOVE keeping bees!  

My hubby rarely wears a bee suit and never gets stung.  I do wear a bee suit and usually get stung anyway but not this year...lucky me!


 This week in K we really began routines in earnest!  

These kids are rocking this unusual year.

I am very lucky to be their teacher! AMAZING!

I gave the kiddos a tub of playdo for their bins at their tables.  We use playdo to create letters, numbers, one-to-one correspondence (make 5 balls for example), and just for fun! 

Look at all these Hh letters!

The k kids sorted the transformer bots into ABC order...just because!

We've had a lot of fun with Pete the Cat this week!  
Aren't these the sweetest?

We voted for our favorite Pete The Cat book and reread the winner! 

We have a new discovery table...apples!  

The kiddos made a apple store with some of the items.

Letter Ff day we had another experiment with a FIZZing chemical reaction!

And now for the week of Sept.28-Oct. 2:
Literacy: Letter Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll
beginning sounds
Math: numbers 0-5
Theme: apples
Social Studies: Friends at School
Science: Animals Change and Grow
Big New:
Picture Day is Wednesday, October 7

Friday, September 18, 2020

September Week 2

This is how I relax!
How about you?
What do you do to ground yourself?
I'd love to hear from you...

At this time I will include a few projects weekly for your viewing enjoyment!
(no room photos yet)

The extra exciting experiment on Ee day was making ELEPHANT TOOTHPASTE!

We sorted M&Ms into color groups and counted and compared the numbers before eating!
Yummy!  What a fun Math lesson!

Of course with the beginning of the year we've done a lot of talk about 
Bathroom use is a biggie!
We basically have just 3 rules in kindergarten:
1. Be Nice 
2. Be Ready
3. Be Safe
Everything else falls into these categories!  For real! Think of a rule.  It fits doesn't it!

Hope you enjoy the button project we made at choice time for you!

Our little Corduroy Bears are sooooo cute!

Everyday this week we ate a treat that began with the letter of the day...
Our favorite was BBBB Bus!  We created and made a bus out of graham crackers, Oreos, and Cinnamon Toast Crunch!  Delicous!

These cutie patooties were from our first week! 
 Chester the Racoon was our character we read about!

We also created these name mosaics!

And to make my teacher heart happy, a community member dropped this off for me!
How sweet!

And now for the week of September 22-25:
Theme:  Pete The Cat
Reading/ Language Arts:  Letters Ff,Gg,Hh  rhyming and beginning sounds
Math:  #s 0-5
Science:  How do animals move? 
Big News: 
No school for students on Monday,  September 21...Teacher Workshop
Picture day: Wednesday, October 7

Sunday, September 13, 2020

September Week 1

Whooo Hoooo!
We made it through our first week of online and in-person learning!
The Lewiston Journal's reporter, Heather Buege, snapped this shot of us on our very first morning!


Then come Friday at 4:00 pm, here were my thoughts: Haha!

 Please have fun exploring the rest of the tabs on this blog.
As soon as things settle down in the pandemic world, I will feel comfortable posting more photos of our day.

Thank you for a great first week!
I am loving getting to know your k kid! 
And now for the week of September 14-20:
Reading/Language Arts: Letters Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee
Math: Numbers 1-5
Social Studies: We learn from our Families
Science: Animals have body parts
Theme: Bears
No school on Monday, September 21 
Teacher Workshop