
Sunday, November 29, 2020

November Week 4

Dear Kindergarten Parents,
I am grateful for you! 
Here's the Gratitude Chart the K Kids created last Wednesday via Zoom.
Notice there are no toys listed?  Wow! That doesn't always happen.
You're doing it right!
Your child's teacher
Me, too, DR, me, too!

Meanwhile at my home....
We made these for our 18 year old Rice Crispy loving son! 

Here's our sharing schedule for the upcoming week....
We are really doing hard things now! 
This is listening for the letter T sound...

Here are next week's skills for the week of November 30-December 4:

Literacy: Letter Cc, star work *a*, adjectives for colors, beginning sounds

Math: Data

Theme: Polar Animals

Social Studies: Meeting Needs Long Ago and Today

Science: We Can Change Objects

No School on Monday, December 7 Teacher Workshop Day

Big News; No School on Monday, December 7: Teacher Workshop

Friday, November 20, 2020

November Week 3

(page way down for the sharing chart for next week) 

Wow!  What a turkey of a week we had!  And I mean that in a good way!

Thank you for sending in the adorable family project turkeys.  The kids are doing an amazing job with their speeches telling us about their turkey!

Hahaha!  Here's the k kids showing off their little turkey finger puppet!  Usually they would have designed them in school but...oh you know!

Here's just one of the fun and educational charts we made this week...verbs for Run, Turkey, Run!

On this one we introduced Adjectives to describe this turkey...

And here's the five senses chart we worked on ALL week!

And now for the week of November 23-25:
Reading/Language Arts: Letter Tt, star word we​, 
~at family, adjectives
Math: Data
Social Studies: Our Families Now and Then
Theme: Thanksgiving and Gratitude
No School on Thursday and Friday, November 26-27 for Thanksgiving

Sunday, November 15, 2020

November Week 2

Well,  here we go again...

My heart hurts for the kiddos who need to be at school to learn with their friends and me.
My heart hurts for every family that is struggling right now.
My heart hurts for administration who have these hard decisions to make. 
My heart hurts because I really really miss my k kids!
Mostly my heart hurts for folks who are losing people they love to this virus. 
We can do this!   
We have to do this!  
I'm here.  
I'll help where I can.
Please reach out with questions, concerns,  but don't forget the celebrations!   There is joy to be found here, too.

So of course there's not many photos of the week...
But here's one that made the kids smile:
We had class in "outerspace"!

And here's a little mantra I need to repeat (and a painted this with my daughters this weekend! )

There really is soooo much to be thankful for! 

And now for the week of November 17-20:

Reading Language Arts: Letter A (short and long a sound), star word *see*, beginning sounds, and adjectives.
Math: Comparing #s to 10
Theme: Turkeys
Science: 5 Senses
No School Monday, November 16 Workshop
Please sign up for conferences through the link sent to you earlier.
Thanksgiving Break: Thursday-Friday November 26-27

Friday, November 6, 2020

November Week 1 Letter Mm, Star Word "and", Candy Corn and Scarecrows~

Thanks to everyone who came on over for Trick or Treating at my house. 
It did my heart good to see the kiddos!

Hey!  We did it! 
We have a week of Distance Learning under our belts!

We worked hard and got our projects and pages done.
We shared and sang.
We laughed and cried (oh, that we ME!...sorry about that I just love that book about friendship but seriously I cannot get through it without crying)

Here's how I teach now!  Wow, I really miss those smiling faces that are usually in those chairs!
Oh my!
Those tiny scarecrows turned out sooooo cute!

So here's a few things I learned this week:

i WILL NOT UNMUTE the entire class. 
 Nope. That does not work.

I WILL try to allow kids to unmute one at a time to share more often (this takes a bit longer than normal but it's the best we can do right now)

I WILL keep smiling and trying.  
Thanks for your patience and support!

First I want to THANK YOU!  You are all doing such a great job being near your kindergartener.  Someone asked me WHY adults had to be near.  Here's the best answer I could give:  In my classroom I give directions and then give them time to work.  I would never just leave them to struggle alone.  I am there to offer guidance and support.  I encourage and push.  That is your job now.  You can do it!!!!   (you'll notice I do not always tell them the answer, kids' brains need to be trained to THINK and as adults we are too quick to give them the answers...I am guilty of that too!)

Please take a moment to remind your child about the expectations for Distance Learning:

Eating and snack and gum chewing is for break time NOT DURING CLASS. Water drinking is OK.
Toys, pets, other items not needed for the lesson should be cleared away.
Students need to stay in their work area until break time or until asked to do something else.  Check those screens to make sure we can SEE your child.
Materials should only be opened on the day needed. Please DO NOT WORK ahead. Please DO NOT sort through materials.  Everything is in order for our day's schedule.
Completed materials should be clipped to the cover page (morning message) for the day and returned on the next materials pick up day.
SPEAKER view is the optimal setting.  Gallery view is not needed unless we ask for it. Kids on gallery view tend to look at each other instead of what's being taught
Marker boxes and supplies should be tidied up between each activity.  
Keep up the good work!!!!!   

Here's our online times:
8:10-9:30 Seat work, Morning Meeting, Math with me (Fridays Library)

9:30-10:30 PE and Music

10:30-11:30 BREAK TIME

11:30-12:00  Reading Language Arts with me (Thursday Guidance)


1:00-2:15ish  Story Time, educational videos for rest (optional) Centers and Theme projects. 

When the last project is done the kiddos are done for the day!

Let's hope this is the last packet you have to pick up! Next week in all ready to go!

And now for the week of November 10-13:
Reading/Language Arts: Letter Ss, star word review, verbs
Math: Comparing numbers to 10
Theme: Outer Space
Science: Sorting Manmade vs. Natural objects

Big News: No school for kids on 
Monday, November 9 and 
Monday, November 16 
Workshop days
Conferences coming soon!