
Friday, September 23, 2022

2022 Week 3 Pete The Cat and EXPERIMENTS!!!!

 This week in kindergarten the alphabet introduction continues! 

For the letter Ee we made Elephant Toothpaste! 

What an Exciting Experiment!  

I had to do most of the mixing and pouring as the hydrogen peroxide was a stronger solution than what we normally see in the grocery stores.  What fun!

We had a blast on Gg day with gumball, glowsticks, green glitter, and GOOFY GLASSES!
Be looking for a lucky duck book coming home soon with our goofy pictures.

Our newest discovery table is APPLES!

I just love choice time photos!

Now who are these goofy people?

Be watching for more fun apple centers coming soon!

The kids LOVE the morning messages! We have been working on initials!  Ask your kiddo their initials (right now we just do first and last name initial)

We made a lovely chart for the hallway showing how long our names are:

We also cut and painted these cutie patooties!  A Big Colorful Bear!

We have been practicing letter recognition with many different games.  Here's one of our favorites!

On Tuesday's centers the kids actually got to mix their own science experiments with the classic VINEGAR and BAKING SODA!  What fun!


Our second station was puzzles again 
(puzzles are so good for our brains!)

Our third station was playdough with alphabet stamps...


Our 4th station was ABC cards and teddy bears...

And our final station was
 "How Animals Move" for our science this week!

We played a partner game to practice rhyming this week...

And now for the week of September 26-30
(There will NOT be a blog or facebook update next week as I'll be hosting my daughter's wedding from Thursday-Monday. The substitute is Mrs. Olson and she is wonderful!)
Reading/Language Arts: Letters Hh, Ii, Jj, and Kk
beginning sounds and rhyming
Math: numbers to 5 (printing using the "highway")
Theme: Apples
Social Studies: We Learn From Our Friends
Science: Animals Change and Grow
Here are the dress up days:
Monday = Class Color Day - True Colors by Cindi Lauper 
PreK: White Kdgn: Yellow 1 st Grade: Gray 2 nd Grade: Blue 3 rd Grade: Red 4 th Grade: Green 5 th Grade: Pink 6 th Grade: Purple Staff: Black 
Tuesday = Beach Day - Good Vibrations by the Beach Boys 
Wednesday = Work Out Day – Let’s Get Physical by Olivia Newton John 
Thursday = MisMatch Day – Thrift Shop by Macklemore 
Friday = Cardinal Spirit Day – Go L-A High School by LAHS band

Friday, September 16, 2022

2022 Week 2 ABCD, numbers 0-5, and bears!

 Hello, K Families!

First the sad news, we will not be able to take a field trip to the apple orchard this fall.  I am very disappointed but the time slots we needed were full.

However, I'm betting we are going to the FIRE STATION!  That will be just as fun!

It is so lovely for the k kids to see their kissing hand displayed! Thank you for sending these sentimental handprints in.

We have library every Monday.
Books are due back on Friday in their original book bag so your kiddo can get a new one when it is our library time.

We will do an activity daily on the smartboard!
What fun!

This week we had a bear theme.
We even talked about basic tracking of word as we read.  The k kids will have a page to read to you on Monday!

The snails have been a hit lately!

Everyday the kiddos start out the morning by signing in on our morning message. What fun!

We are creating an ABC book with a new page everyday. You will be able to see their artwork toward the beginning of November when they are finished!
Here we are getting ready to paint an AAAAapple!

Weren't these alligator purses the cutest!

These friends worked together to make some lovely creations!

Mrs. Heyer and Ms. K are two of our paras we see occasionally throughout the day.
The are working on shape sorting with the kids.  Eventually everyone will get a turn to work with these lovely ladies!

We began CENTERS on Tuesday!
This year we will only have centers on Tuesdays due to para shortages. Sigh.
But boy-o-boy, do we have a ton of fun on those days!
There will be 5 stations that each students cycles through in one hour.  It is a very busy time but I LOVE teaching this way! Yay for Tuesdays!
This week we had:
1. Rainbow Trace Name Practice...

2. Button ABC Cards

3. Brown Bear color sort and count (and eat!)

4. PlayDough fun
5. And a puzzle station

This little fella had to work alone for this station as the others were being tested. They joined him for the next station.

Here are the Aa Apples for our ABC book...

and our Bb bees...
 and the Cc cats...

and finally the Dd dinos! 

This is going to be a really cute book!

These friends are building a wonderful structure...they LOVE getting a photo of their creations!

We spend most of Thursday painting our 

They will be in the hallway soon!

Didn't you just LOVE the little bears named Corduroy?

Thursdays are also for journaling.
We will create many books this year that your child will take turns bringing home to read with you.
They are called LUCKY DUCK books!
Enjoy them for the evening and return them the next day for the next child's turn.
Be looking for our first book called 
Brown Bear, Brown Bear!

And now for the week of September 19-23:
Reading/Language Arts: Letters Ee, Ff, Gg
Rhyming and Syllables
Math: printing 1, 2, 3 (using the whole line!)
Theme: Pete the Cat
Social Studies: We Learn at School
Science: Animals Move

No school Wednesday, Sept. 21 for students
Teacher Workshop Day

Just a FYI we will have a substitute teacher, Ms. Olson, on Thursday, Sept. 29 through Monday, October 3.
I will be at my daughter, Sorcha's, wedding!!!
Three down, three to go!