
Friday, November 18, 2022

2022 Week 11 Turkeys!


Thank you to everyone who attended conferences this week!  We had 100% attendance (including the meetings the week before) You ROCK!

Here's a peek at our busy turkey week in Kindergarten:
During Wednesday's centers we created turkeys!
So many turkeys!!!!

Speaking of Wednesday's centers here are the 5 stations:
1. Turkey Teen Bump Game
2. Build a Turkey Playdough Station

3. An intro to color words

4. Sorting those tricky letters 

5. Beginning Sound Turkey Paint

Wowza!  We've got such good builders this year!

Here we are playing a 
what fun!

Nearly everyone come up for a photo with their counting by 10s turkey hat on!

It's that time of year!
Turkey hand prints!
They will be coming home next week.

Adjectives are the part of speech we are looking at this week.
So of course we had to use adjectives to describe a turkey!

Speaking of turkeys...
Here is our newest learning station!

And now for the weeks of 
November 21-22 
(no blog, newsletter, or email next week)
November 28-December 2:
Reading Language Arts: Letter Aa, Letter Tt
Sight Words: *see*  *we*
Grammar: adjectives
Word Family: ~at family

Math: sorting data
Science: Where Do Animals Find Food?
Social Studies: Families and Last Names

Thanksgiving Break: November 23-25

No school for students on 
Wednesday, December 7 Teacher Workshop

Polar Express Pajama and Hot Cocoa Party:
Thursday, December 22

Winter Break:
Friday, December 23-Monday, January 2
