
Thursday, March 30, 2023

2023 Week 29 Weather~

 You have just have to try this easy and delicious recipe!

We made it after reading the book 

ThunderCake by Patricia Polocco.

The book is about a little girl who was afraid of storms and the true story of how her Grandma helped her overcome her fears by making ThunderCake!

You'll have to page down as we ATE our cake during centers on Wednesday! Yummy!

On Monday we learned about the clouds.
We painted a cloud picture to go along with the book 
It Looked Like Spilled Milk.
Be looking for this rather LARGE lucky duck book coming home with your child soon!

On Tuesday we created these cute creatures with the exact same 7 pieces of paper that "the wind blew to us" It's based on the book Windblown.

This is also a Lucky Duck book!
We are nearly finished making these fun ways to share our writing. Sigh...were did the year go?

Here are some short videos of our 
that we made to play with the wind:

As promised, here are the photos of centers including the eating (and decorating) of ThunderCake!

Our first station was the delicious ThunderCake station. Each child got to put on their own whipped cream and slice their own strawberries.
What yummy fun!


Station 2: big floor puzzles!

Station 3: Raining Cats and Dogs
 Counting by 2s!

Station 4 (with Grandma Vickie) Sunny Sight Words!
This was fun because each cloud or sun had a big word on it and a tiny little word!

And Station 5 was ways to make 10 with raindrops!

Here are some random choice time photos:

On Thursday we learned about the water cycle with games and songs and this fun little water cycle!

These kiddos just love to be photographed!

And now for the week of April 3-6:

Reading/Language Arts: 

Lesson 23 THIS WILL ALSO BE NEXT WEEK'S Lesson as we were supposed to have 2 short weeks.         Snow day make up...sigh

Letter Ee short and long

Proper nouns for Months and Days of the Week

Sight Words: she*all*here*over*some*when

Math: Shapes  2D and 3D

Science: Forces~Gravity

Social Studies: Cardinal C.A.R.E.S

Theme: Bunnies and Chicks


Spring Break for students:

Friday, April 7-Monday, April 10.