
Thursday, April 27, 2023

2023 Week 33 Pigs and Little Red Hen and Bread!!

 Oh how we wish you all could have smelled the wonderful aroma coming out of our room on Wednesday as we made BREAD together!


More photos in section below about centers!

This week in kindergarten we began a bulletin board for next week theme...PETS! There's still time to send yours in if you haven't.  Thanks to all who did already.  What adorable pets!

Wednesday's centers included... eating the bread we baked in the morning! 

More photos from this station down a bit 👇

Our second station was mixed up hens with Grandma Vickie!

Pokey Pin Shape Words was our 3rd station...

Weston's mom helped us with farm equations...

Station 5 was Here Chickie Chickie ... listening for middle sounds:

Here are more bread photos...It was JUST SO GOOD!

On Tuesday we learned about chickens and then created these cutie hens! 

We also wrote some chicken facts. 

Monday was PIGGY day! 
These cuties were painted with actual mud!
(saved from our mud unit! )

The Vet Clinic is still going strong...

However, we have lost a vet smock. If your child accidentally wore it home, please return it.  I can only imagine how funny it would be to wonder why your k kid is wearing it at home!  Haha!

Many potato characters were turned in for the Library's contest.  Great job,  kiddos! Each grade level will have a winner which will be announced soon!

And now for the week of May 1-5 :

Reading/Language Arts: 

Lesson 26 letter Uu


Sight Words: 


*little*only*just *

Math: 3D shapes 2D shapes comparing/contrasting/naming attributions continued 

Cylinder Cone Cube Sphere Rectangular Prism

Circle Square Rectangle Oval Triangle Hexagon

Social Studies: C.A.R.E.S.

Science: Earth's Water

Theme: Pets

Big News:

May 25 Spring Concert

May 29 No School

 Memorial Day

June 8 Last Student Day


Friday, April 21, 2023

2023 Week 32 Purple Cows and Earth Day


Oh my goodness!
This was another fun and tasty week in kindergarten!
We learned the poem
PURPLE COW by Gilette Burgesse
and then we MADE and DRANK
Purple Cows!
(grape juice and ice cream and whipped cream)
I love having the k kids "cook" and use recipes.
Plus it was delicious!

That was station 1 at centers on Wednesday.
Here is station 2:
Counting on from 10 with Grandma Vicky...

Station 3 was creating farm animals using pattern blocks...

Station 4 was farm animal playdough...
(don't you just LOVE the background? More on those in a bit!)

And our final station was finding Mrs. Wishy Washy's farm animals...

We had a guided drawing lesson on

On Monday we created these cutie patootie cows to decorate our cow learning station!

Here is another new learning station...

The discovery table is full of 

Our room is decorated with these adorable farm animal mobiles!  It was a group effort and I love them!

This is a chart we did last Friday.  Often our Friday science and/or social studies goes unphotographed as this blog is generally ready to go on Friday during lunch time. But I thought this was a fun chart and an interesting idea for the k kids to think about!

Our newest dramatic play area is 

Here is the waiting room:

At the end of the week we focused on 


Earth Day is EVERYDAY!

And now for the week of April 24-28 :

Reading/Language Arts: 

Lesson 25 letter Kk

And end punctuation

Sight Words: review all

Math: 3D shapes 2D shapes comparing/contrasting/naming attributions 

Cylinder Cone Cube Sphere Rectangular Prism

Circle Square Rectangle Oval Triangle Hexagon

Social Studies: Earth's Materials (late start make up)

Science: Earth's Land

Theme: Farm (pigs and hens) and making bread!

Big News:

May 25 Spring Concert

May 29 No School

 Memorial Day

June 8 Last Student Day