
Thursday, June 8, 2023

2023 Week 38 The End!


Kindergarten is such a special year filled with so much growth physically,  academically,  socially,  and emotionally. I'm so lucky that I get to be part of that process. 


Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I could not do this without your support! You will always be your child's most important teacher.  I just get to share a little of that journey with you.  For that I'm grateful!


Can you believe how quickly the year went by? 

I cherished every moment with them.   I might have even cried a little during a goodbye book!

We learned the word 'bittersweet'... sigh... 
it's so hard to let go.

So without further ado, 
here they are,  
the Kindergarten Class of 2023

I will miss YOU!
Mrs. O'Duggan

Friday, June 2, 2023

2023 Week 37 Money, Animals, and the Fire Station!

I hope your Memorial Day was lovely!

We were able to spend one day up at Hok Si La near Lake City digging agates and just enjoying the sun and water and family!

Last Friday we created an insect with this fun 
Build-A-Bug activity!

Because of the field trip on Wednesday 
we had centers on Tuesday!
Thank you to the 2 moms who volunteered to help us out!
The bug themed centers were:
1. Creating these fun projects with bug bodies and tissue paper.  We also used up some rainbow scratch paper!

2. Sight words search...

3. Playdough create a bug...

There are more photos farther down on this post!

4. Harry's mom helped with Bee Addition...

5. Brooks' mom helped with "Spelling Bee" 
cvc words...

Here are some more artistic bugs!

We had a kiddo in the 1B reading group who asked to read to the class! Well done, Reader! Well done!

On Wednesday we visited the FIRE STATION!
Thank you to the FIRE FIGHTERS who put on this informative and hands on presentation for us and to the 2 moms who helped us out with groups.
It was a BLAST!
(be prepared for a photo dump! Thank you to my volunteers who also helped with photographing their group for me!)

On Thursday we created these cutie patootie jaguars!  Finger painting is just the best!

We opened a brand new station on Friday
(I know, I know, only 4 days left WHY would I bother?  Because MAGNETS are AMAZING!)
And more importantly, so are the K KIDS!!!!

And now for our final week, June 5-8
Reading Language Arts: review all
Math: Tangrams, Dominoes
Theme: Kings and Queens of Kindergarten!

We did it!
I will put out one last post next week...
you won't want to miss the cute photos!
(Oh the Feels!!!!)
