
Friday, October 27, 2023

2023 Week 7 and 8 Pumpkins, Spiders, Bats

 I was lucky enough to spend Fall Break near Anna Maria Island in Florida! My Sissy lives in Bradenton so we stayed with her.  Two of my kiddos (and two grandbabies!!!!) met us there for a long and delicious weekend spent mostly IN the Gulf of Mexico!

This is me and my oldest daughter, Shae! We're already planning next year's mother daughter trip!

This is my Sissy and me!

Here are my Florida kids (Graham and his wife,  Melissa,  and grandchildren, Adelaide and Maiken!) They live on the other side, West Palm Beach,  but came over to hang out with us!

The short week before our break,  the kiddos made these adorable Jack-O-Lanterns!

We also celebrated the letter Uu with these fancy umbrellas at snack time:

I just love when the kids play school!

We've a new BONES station open.. 

We  practiced beginning sounds with unicorns on Uu Day!

On Letter Tt day we learned what a teacher is, then the kids drew me! This activity always keeps me humble! Haha!

On Tuesday afternoon before break the whole school was treated to a Magic Show!
The magician message was "Be a Leader,  be kind,  be brave"

On Monday we looked at the life cycle of a pumpkin...

Here's another teacher!

Our Halloween Discovery Table is open for business...

We've also a bat and spider station ready for us!

On Letter Vv day we did the classic vinegar and baking soda chemical mixing trick! It just never gets old!

Tuesday was spider day!
The kids designed their spiders (I quick hot glued them together during prep time... whew just about ran out of time!)
We sang a fun song called "There's a spider on the floor,  on the floor!" 
Be watching for a cutie patootie lucky duck book coming home soon!

On Ww Day we watercolored witches then got them wet to watch them melt! What a fun technique!

On Wednesday we worked as a group to put Mr.X-Ray together as we talked about each bone.  What good scientists we have this year!

Here are a few of our recent ABC pages... our books come home next week! You're going to love them!

When we learned about Nouns for Places this week,  the kids drew their favorite place...

Later in the day,  the kids worked with Ms.Katie to write about our noun.  Yep,  it's a lucky duck book!

Wednesday's centers included:
Station 1... painting a spiderweb 

Pokey Pin with Ms.Katie...

Beginning sounds and ghosts with Finley's mom...

Baking soda and vinegar

Roll a Monster with me...

This little fella is sooo proud of writing his ABCs!

Thursday was bat day in kindergarten!

We made rhyming bats and decorated our own bat flip book activity!

And now for the week of October 30- November 3...
Reading/Language Arts: finish Letter Zz and polish up our ABC Book 
Grammar: Nouns for
Sight word: *the*
Math: Making,  reading,  writing to 10
Science: Our Skeleton!
Social Studies:Long Ago and Today
Theme: Halloween! Candy Corn and Scarecrows

No School for students on Friday,  November 10... end of 1st quarter workshop