
Thursday, February 22, 2024

2024 Week 23 100th Day!

 100 DAYS already!

How did THAT happen so fast?

We sure had a blast  this week celebrating our 100th day of  K!

Snack time was fun!

Ms. Hannah interviewed each kiddo to see what they would buy if they had $100!

One of our journaling activities this week 
was to use a 1 0 0  to create a picture!
They kids are so creative!

One of my favorite 100 day activities is to read the book The Wolf's Chicken Stew. I then hide 100 chicks in the room for the kiddos to find and place in a 100 chart!

I did NOT get everyone's photo on the 100th day!
I did catch a few though...

I love how this little writer used the 100 day theme in her notebook!

This is last Friday's science activity.
We also played 20 questions as the kids guessed the source of heat.

100 Day Decorations!

We are also learning about America the Beautiful.
Can you guess what this will be?
You'll see on Friday!

Even rest time can be a learning time!
Are you ready for this?
We had 10, yes 10, stations for the 100th Day Centers!
They were set up so the kids could rotate through them at their own pace, unlike regular centers where we switch every ten minutes to the next station in rotation.
It was super fun making academic (yet fun!) choices!
Here are some of the stations:
100 Dots on a big 100...

100 Gumballs in the gumball machine...

100 Dots on a Dalmatian...
Rolling dice to pop 100 pop-its!

Making a GOOGAL
(100 zeros after a one...the  original definition of a googal)

Drawing 100 Squares...

walking 100 steps...
(wherever they ended up in the hallway is where they stuck their note about 100 steps)

Give me 5! 
20 hands make 100 fingers...

Placing 100 marbles on the grid...

stacking 100 cups...

Thursday was EAGLE day!

This is our leader rockin' the morning message!
We've 2 more 100 Club members!
Just 6 more kiddos to go until we are ALL counting to 100 and and beyond!

I just love when we sit in a circle and share our knowledge when we fill out these 
CAN-HAVE-ARE charts!

And we ended our EAGLE mini unit with these cutie patootie eagle puppets!

And now for the week of February 26-March 1:

Reading/Language Arts: Letter Dd short i word families

Grammar: past tense verbs

Sight Words: *go*up*here*soon*they*for*

Math: Teens

Science: What are objects made of?

Social Studies: Cardinal C.A.R.E.S.~Self Control

Theme:  Wrap up America The Beautiful

begin Transportation


Spring Break is March 27-April 1