
Thursday, May 30, 2024

2024 The End!


Kindergarten is such a special year filled with so much growth: physically,  academically,  socially,  and emotionally. I'm so lucky that I get to be part of that process. 


Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I could not do this without your support! You will always be your child's most important teacher.  I just get to share a little of that journey with you.  For that I'm grateful!


Can you believe how quickly the year went by? 

I cherished every moment with them.   I might have even cried a little during a goodbye book!

We learned the word 'bittersweet'... sigh... 
it's so hard to let go.

So without further ado, 
here they are,  
the Kindergarten Class of 2024:

I will miss YOU!
Mrs. O'Duggan

Thursday, May 23, 2024

2024 Week 35 K Graduation and Concert and a few other Highlights!

Thank you to everyone who came to our concert and little tiny graduation ceremony!

Overheard at the concert...
 "Where DID the time go?" 
 I know right? 
As of Thursday we only have 4 more days left of  k!
I did not get many photos of the concert as I was enjoying the energy! Way to go kiddos!

Here are a few highlights of our busy week practicing for the concert week:
Last Friday was our last science lesson as we looked at habitats...

The beads are still a hit!

We created my absolute favorite project of the year this week...Graduation Self Portaits!

On Wednesday we visited a "wax museum" presented to us by the 4th graders!  
What a fun trip through US Westward Expansion History.

We also found time to decorate the gym area with these beautiful butterflies!

And now the the week of May 28-30:


(Yes folders and backpacks are still needed through the last day)

Tuesday: Fire Station Field Trip and Picnic 

(remember home lunches if that is what you signed up for)

Wednesday: Dominoes and Pete the Cat

Thursday: Tangrams and Goodbyes!


Friday, May 17, 2024

2024 Week 34 The Pond!

 I sure hope you and your family were lucky enough to see the light show last Friday night! We live in a magical world! Check out my personal facebook page for many nonsaturated and fun photos from the solar storm!

This week we began The Pond!
We actually filled up the discovery table with water and Pond accessories! What fun!

Those 2 photos above were taken before we could add water.   Lewiston was flushing pipes this week so the water was a bit off colored.  We finally filled it on Wednesday!

Wednesday's centers included:
Station 1...Read the Room Froggy Family Word Style (2G Skill)

Station 2: CVC words with Mr.Tom...

Station 3: telling time to the hour with Jill...

Station 4:Froggy Addition with Ms.Kay...

Station 5:Magic E with me!

Choice time is such a nice time!

On Tuesday we created these lovely Pond lillies!


We've a few new learning stations...

More choice time...

Our new Froggy table is up and running!

Even rest time is learning time!

On Monday we created these cutie patootie frogs!

On Thursday we had TURTLE day!

It's that time of year we begin taking out new toys to play with!  
This pounding activity is always a hit!
The  telling time unit is under way!  

We also took out a few old ones! 

We finally have water in the pond!

This is hard to is the kiddos holding a large numeral that equaled the number of clocks they counted at home!  What fun!
And now for our last regular week of Kindergarten
May 20-24:
Reading Language Arts: 
Review all sight words
Review all letter sounds
Digraphs (ch sh th wh)
Blends (cr, tr, bl, etc)
King of ING -ing team
Wrap up clocks and begin MONEY
(see Monday's homework about sending in coins)
Theme: insects
Science: Insects
Social Studies: Cardinal C.A.R.E.S.

May 21 C.O.W reshedule

May 23 Spring Concert

***we will have a very fast graduation ceremony in our room between the concerts***

May 27 No School Memorial Day

May 28 Fire Station/Picnic

May 30 Last Student Day
