
Thursday, January 12, 2012

"Sometimes we all need a little lovin'"

Gentle to the kiddos after reports of playground smootching:
"Remember, kissing is for home...moms and dads, grandma and grandpas..."
K Kid in earnest "But sometimes we all need a little lovin'"

Oh dear!

On Tuesday we were treated to
Critter's and Company...
 Mr. C "volunteered" to help
 Mr. Carrier
 Red Tailed Hawk
There were other critters, too.
Social Skills taught with animals!
Fascinating and Fun!

Can you see some hidden animals in the scenery?

This has been a very exciting week
as we began our beach unit!
counting by 5's coconut tree 

 Reading at the beach

making mermaid supplies

journaling with Mrs. G

Making mermaids

Wonderful Wednesday Photos:
the first ones are table activities:

Then some choice time activities:

Button Fish with Mrs. Gnadt

 Watercolor sea animals with Mrs. O'

Thursday at the "beach"

 stations with Noah's Mom
Making sunshine magnets to brighten a blustery day
 Sand painting surf boards with Mr. C

 Chicka Chicka Coconut trees with Mrs. O'

We also gave our snowpeople family project speeches...
Introduction+Body+Conclusion=an Awesome Job!!!

Here are just a few of the books we read this week:
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom How I Became a Pirate Sharks Fish Wish

On top of all this great thematic fun we have also been plugging away with the letter Vv, sound /v/
short a words, the star word 'to', and numerals to 20...

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