
Sunday, March 11, 2012

A Wonderful Weekend!

I actually had TWO dates with my hubby this weekend 
(Thursday evening counts, right?)
We made a date night out of a Panera~we needed WiFi for the ipad
and Trader Joe's restock trip!
Love that store!

And Sunday he convinced me to see John Carter of Mars
at the movie theater.
Guess what?  I really enjoyed that movie!
Edgar Rice Burroughs wrote the original books that the movie is based on.
Well done!!!!

Saturday morning I actually cleaned the freezer!
We had a seal malfunction and everything was covered in an inch of "snow"
Should have taken a picture!
It was kind of pretty...
So we had a clean-the-freezer-out meal plan for most of the weekend.
The crock pots and the dehydrator worked overtime!!!

Saturday afternoon, Sorch and I had a mother/daughter day...a mall trip!
Fionn was invited to Chuck E. Cheese with a friend, 
John ran errands in Winona,
and Maeve stayed home to do chores.

Before seeing the movie on Sunday
John and I began the long process of cleaning up the yard.
We certainly enjoyed the lovely day!
The kids decided to miss the movie and stay home and continue raking!
We still have days of work ahead of us but it is rewarding work!

You know Spring is here when the dogs look like this....
Going back to the topic of yard work,
 look at  these "lovely" sculptures....
Can you guess what they were?
Three folk-artsy wooden pelicans kept watch over our Pampas grass.
Well John did a "controlled" burn of that area but forgot they were there
until it was too late. He tried to save them but they were still frozen to the ground!
They look so funny!  I laughed and laughed! 
I guess John will be busy repainting them for me!!!!!

And now for this week in K...
Here are a few pics that got away from Friday's update:
Here's a great shot at what our birthday celebrations look like...
That cake is actually an ice cream bucket spray painted brown 
with caulk frosting!
(actually used decorator tips with the caulk!)

 our first 3 family projects for March

Here's our newest Wednesday student playing in the new Zen garden!


Glitter Zen Garden...

Playdough fun!

In reading we will be focusing on the letter Zz, the sound for /z/ and short /i/,
the star word 'have', and ending sounds.
Math finds us looking at 2 dimensional shapes: trapezoid, hexagon, and rhombus are the focus.
Our themes include wrapping up transportation and beginning St. Patrick's Day projects!
Remember: Boots and  Snow Pants are still required for recess...the playground is MUDDY!

1 comment:

  1. everyone was out having fun while cinderella-maeve stayed home to do chores... poor girl.


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