
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Proud Mama!

Okay, I've got to take a moment to brag!
First of all, you've got to know my own personal kiddos 
(youngest 3)
are kind of on the shy side, are a little nerdy
 (more on that later)
are kind, sweet, sensitive, helpful, and
although very physically active 
trampoline bouncing, bluff hiking, rope climbing kids
they are NOT at all SPORTS minded nor COMPETITIVE.
It just isn't in their nature.
So you won't often see them in the paper or 
find their names listed anywhere except on honor roll lists.
They do not seek out nor like attention drawn to themselves.

So what a surprise when all three of them were recognized 
recently for special awards!

Maeve's ink drawing took an EXCELLENT 
at an Art Show in Rochester

Sorcha was chosen as the 7th grade
Student-of-the -Month

And Fionn's writing won him a spot
at the Young Writer's Convention happening this week !!!!
 I am a very proud Mama!
Thanks for letting me brag!

Our weekend began with a nice and long awaited
trip to the Farmers' Market in Winona!
 John made another haul of morels (yummy!)
and dryad saddles (toofar gone and big and spongy...bleh)
 After a quick and expensive trip to Sam's Club in La Crosse,
we came home to walk under that gorgeous Super Moon!
Many people I have visited with weren't impressed...
Out in the country, it truly was remarkable...
so BIG and BRIGHT !

Sunday morning we awoke to 7 brand new
adorable, tiny little Call Ducks!
Call Ducks are miniature ducks to begin with
so these little guys are super cute!

We took Maeve to the Avengers!
She is a huge Joss Wheden fan 
(director of FireFly and Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-Long Blog)
and I am a huge Robert Downy Jr. fan
plus THOR is an entertaining character
(for a Norwegian girl such as myself)
and we are all a little nerdy 
so this was a perfect movie for us! 

Got home in time to make a strawberry-rhubarb pie.
I am pretty bad at crusts
but it WAS tasty!
Sooooo that's our quiet little weekend.
For those of you wondering,
Grandpa (John's Dad) is getting stronger everyday!  
He even took a little stroll through the Farmer' Market!
And he wants to make a roast tomorrow!
This will be the first time he's attempted to cook
since he's been sick (about a month)

Here's some of last week's highlights:

May Baskets!


Sight Word Twister!

Literally Word Building

Wedge It Building!
 a Spring Pose...


Morning Challenges

We really are super busy!

Now for the coming week:
Week of May 7-11
Reading: Letter Jj, short Uu, AIMSWEB practice
Math: addition and subtraction, AIMSWEB practice
Theme: Flowers and Mothers' Day
Special Days this week: 
Thursday, Mothers' Day Switch-a-Roo
Friday: Bouncy Toys reward day (our turn is 11:00-12:00)

Please send back Oxbow lunch sheet and Family Picnic Food Choice sheet ASAP ...Thanks!

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