
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Diggin' Dinos Summer School FINALLY

Sorry to make you wait so long for this blog.
I just need to figure out how to update my blog, 
from my Ipad.  
My laptop was awesome to upload pics with but it is shot.
I loved that little purple netbook!
My Ipad is equally awesome 
but I REALLY REALLY cannot  figure out how to get pics to upload.
And what good is a blog without pics?
No good at all, I am telling ya!

So if you can help, please please please
contact me.  
I can pay. 
With chocolate chip cookies! 

Sooooo, I bribed my kid (with chocolate chip cookies)
to use his laptop.  Which has a quirky habit ofNOT spacing...

So, first of all, you've got to  know how
well behaved and prepared to be in school
these almost k kiddo were!
I cannot remember a nicer week!

On Monday we made these great dinosaur hats....

 My daughter, Sorcha, helped with a  project everyday...
Here she is making a lovely little puppet with the kiddos!

This is the closest we actually got to digging for dinosaurs,
a game put out by National Geographic
similar to Operation
except we had to extract dino bones!
Imagine the kids' surprise when they learned we WEREN"T
going to actually DIG for BONES!
One of these years I am going to have a mutiny
on my hands....

 Me, overseeing the hat making table...

Fun choices.....

more hats....

snack time!
Thanks for the delicious snacks, by the way!

Our charts were a nice introduction
to our regular school year.

Grandma Rita helped everyday, too!

Dinosaur Dan with Sorcha.
A nice little color review!

Dino eggs made with eye droppers and liquid watercolor


Melissa, Kamea and Zane's Mom, helped us make
 sweet dinosaur  necklaces.

Sand painting with Sorcha...
man, she worked hard!

Here are the beginning of our fossils....

And look at these cuties.....

These are the sand art pics...pretty~

some of the books we read this week...
it was a nice collection of 
fiction and nonfiction.
We introduced the words
author and illustrator 

How many kid feet in a dinosaur foot?
(a baby tyrannasaurus)

Friday's finale!  Dino MASKS!

Nicole, Isaiah's Mom, helped us create
a cute dino book!

Look at the great dino puzzle we created!

So, as you can see, we had a very busy, very productive week.
We learned words like....
and so many different dinosaur names!

Thanks for sharing your little one with me!
We will be seeing some of you in August for 

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