
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Week 7: Careers on Wheels, QRS, and Squirrels

Well, the title about sums it up on this short week!

Here are some pics of Tuesday's Careers on Wheels...What a hit with the kids!
(I apologize for the lack of pics of the other 2 group was very photogenic and the 3 groups were mostly my 5 are pictured)

We actually got to watch the helicopter land...WOW!

 The hearse was a hit and sparked some nice conversation about death.
"We can also celebrate when someone dies cuz they are going to heaven" said one very thoughtful k kid!
No matter your religious views,  you cannot help but smile at that thought.

The radio van was interesting as was...
 KTTC's crew!

 The electric company's rig was impressively outfitted with gadgets!

Connor L's dad had the BIGGEST rig there...for hauling other vehicles!

Here is Mr. Riebel's group enjoying a "ride".

Yep, we hopped right in Tom's Locksmith van.

The Red Cross was also represented and showed us how they
deliver food and water to places in need.

Here's Mrs. Schneider's group!

It's cute now............but not so much in a decade!

The S.W.A.T. team has arrived!

Here's another installment of .... It's cute now............but not so much in a decade!

This big rig has been to 42 states delivering goods!

Where would we be without them?

Hey, that's not snow!  That's my kiddos!

for setting this up for us!

Tuesday was CENTER DAY.
We worked on color words...


and lower case matching!

We also had a dice game!


Here are some great books we read this week:
Those Darn Squirrels!The Rainbow BookOpposites

News for the week of October 22-26
Reading Language Arts: Letters Tt, Uu, Vv, Ww, and Xx 
beginning sounds, and rhyming, too!
Math: We will begin Topic 4 which is Zero to Five
Theme: Fall themes and Halloween themes!

Have a great extended weekend!
I am heading to Indianapolis...look for a family blog update soon!

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