
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Week 5...IJKL, Writers' Workshop, and "I just want to be a Dad when I grow up"

Another wonderful week is under our belts!
We start every morning with 
Morning Challenges.
Maybe your K Kid had shared about this part of our day.
Each table has an activity to complete together,
usually abc order or numeric order or rhyming this time of year.
So many skills are honed during this 5-10 minutes:
the skill, of course, is practiced, but so is 
team work, sharing, cooperation,
and speaking in a small group.
I LOVELOVELOVE morning challenges!
Here the red table is solving numeric order...

 The yellow team is working on rhyming sounds...

And finally the green table is working on abc order...

On Monday we had an introduction to the letter Ii...
Willow brought ICE CREAM sandwiches...MMMMM!
The kiddos are holding their letter I  's ....I've got an "I" on you!

Word World animals are fun to build with....

Up close pic of abc!

 More of "I've got my"I" on you!" pics...
 This makes me smile....Got my I on you!

Our apple tree labeling took ALL week to finish!
First we painted the tree with roots, branches, leaves, fruit, and roots.
Then we added the soil and sky.
And finally the labels.
Wow..we really are beginning to think like scientists!

On Jj day, Justin brought Jelly Pumpkins...MMMMM!

On Tuesday we had vision and hearing screening...
The school nurse, Michelle McPherson, checked our eyes and ears!

 It was kind of fun!

Tuesday afternoon, we had learning centers!
One center was apple 10s frames which were hidden around the room.
The kiddos found the 10s frame, recorded the number, and looked for the next one.
It was definitely a hit!

My station was the art station...we dotted with liquid glue and glittered.
We learned that we do not need much glue at all!
 We also found the star in the middle of an apple, 
and used paint to capture it on our riddle page.

Sorry this is out of order, our 10s frame center was lead by
Kutrena, Janessa's Mom!
Thanks so much, Kutrena, couldn't have done it without you!

Our final center was "Picking Apples" with beginning sounds...
This was our first official beginning sound activity
and the kiddos did great with Mrs. Benke's help!

Here's a group shot of my art center!

If you wish to help out anytime during the year,
please let me know, we would LOVE to have you!
 This is one of those hidden 10s frame!

The KKids love the predictability of our Morning Message and are really
beginning to make connections to the words!

Can you see the star?

K Day brought a kooky surprise...KAZOOS for everyone!
We performed a kazoo concert!

Remember all those great apple treats we had last week?
Here are a couple of graph recording and representing our data...
(The kiddos love that!) 

Also on K day, Keiran brought Special K bars and KitKats!

Oh, my..the family projects are LOVELY!
The kiddos actually give a speech about their creation
with a beginning, middle, and end.
They are awesome at this and will be prepared for next year
when as first graders they are required to give a speech.
What great practice!

This is our official introduction to patterns...
apple sticker patterns!
What fun!
Next week we will begin Topic 3 in our new math series...Patterns!

Yes!  Here is a completed apple tree from the previous picture...nice job!

We measured ourselves and Grandma Rita, Mr. Riebel, and me with apples!
 How many apples tall are you?
Look for the Lucky Duck book coming home with everyone's page!

Every three days we have new morning challenges.
Here is numeric order with empty playdo containers!

This morning challenge is matching button shapes and counting.

The third morning challenge is rhyming houses...super cute but the pic didn't turn out.

Thursday we had these lovely, smart young ladies teach us all about fluoride!
Some kids are signed up, some are not.
Please visit with your k kid about whether or not they took it.
It is not too late to sign up if you wish.
Contact Nancy at 523-2194.

On Ll day, we had the BEST DAY EVER!
Not only did we have luscious lemon cookies from Chase
 but we went outside to play in the leaves!
(and take pics  for "The Leaves Are Falling Down"book)

Yep, each team got to bury their teacher!
But,wow, it was a windy blew the leaves away
almost as quick as we could pile them!

This is my favorite.....look at the joy on their little faces!

Two more family projects were shared!

We painted leaves with pretty!

Another apple graph...this is the data we collected from the homework 
send home earlier!

Here are a couple of charts we have been working on...
diagrams and "Can/Have/Are" charts...Thank you PINTEREST!

On Friday we had our first Writers' Workshop!
The k kids journaled by illustrating a topic,
5 in all, and by writing beginning letters of the sounds they heard...with help if needed.
We worked on:
The BandAid Book
The Cow Jumped Over the ______
Start with a Feather
Hopes and Dreams
(One little fellow came up to me kind of worried and said "I just want to be a Dad!"  
I think he was worried that it would not be a good answer....
I believe it is one of the best answers ever!)
Pete the Cat
This was  a nice introduction to the writing process!
All books will be made into a lucky duck book coming to your home soon!

Here are some of the books we read recently:

Jamberry Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons A is for Apple The Turnip Ten Apples Up On Top!


Snacks for this week:

Mm  October 8     Zane
Nn  October 9       Mrs. O' or Kollin
Oo  October 10     Josie
Pp  October 11     Gabby

October 8-12
Math....Begin Topic 3... Patterns
Reading Language Arts...letters Mm, Nn, Oo, Pp; rhyming and beginning sounds
Theme...Fall themes, pumpkins, and FIRE STATION!

We will be heading to the Fire Station on Friday afternoon!
What fun!

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