
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Week 12:letter Rr, Pilgrims, Turkeys, Thanksgiving, and Stone Soup

Oh My! What a fast, short, and fun week!

We have been working on 2 star words "I' and "see".
The kiddos are so funny, every time I turn around
it seems someone has shown off their new skills by writing 
a star word in the mini sand box...
They are so smart!

Here's a few more adorable
family projects...turkeys!

And here they are in the hallway...cute!

This was Andrea's last week with us.
We will miss her!
Some of the kiddos with still see her
in Cardinal Club as she works there in the morning.
She is going to be a GREAT teacher one day!

Andrea's center was a writing station.
The kiddos took a sentence strip from the pot
and decided if they liked that food.
Then they printed it on their sheet.
What a fun way to practice printing!

 This station was practicing tally marks.
This is a tough skill but the kiddos are catching on!

 This station was about the ingredient in stone soup.
It was a fun reading and writing project!
Plus when they were finished they got to vote on the back 
of the page whether or not they liked each veggie.

We were given some academic choice at the carpet.
The kiddos could choose patterns, a dice game,
or both!  What fun!

This station was about beginning sounds:

These were our morning challenges for this 
 short week:
 Candy corn ABC order....

Candy corn sentences...

Candy corn missing numerals...

Oh, I just LOVELOVELOVE this project:
This isn't just a turkey
As anyone can see...

Here we are cutting veggies for our stone soup...

 And here is our stone soup ready to cook...
 Can you see our magic stone?
Our portion of the soup was potatoes, sweet potatoes, and carrots...

Mrs.Pilger's class brought corn, beans, pasta and peas...

Mrs.Kalmes class provided the barley, onions, and meat...

The Kiddos won the ABC game again!
 This time they needed to reach 20 points before me.
There prize was a snack from my house.
So here is midnight brownies with whipped cream frosting!

 Eli also brought 2 Wednesday Rr snacks for us!
Raisins and Rice Cream Bars...RRReally Good!
Please see the page listed above for the Wednesday Snack Schedule for the rest of the year.
Thanks to all who signed up!

We had many moments this week where we shared what we were
thankful for...I am thankful for Grandma Rita~
Here she is making lucky duck books for us!

Oh, My Goodness!
Weren't those turkey finger puppets adorable?
My hubby donates the work gloves that we snip the 
fingers from to make the turkey bodies.

Did you notice the Wamponoag hats we've been sporting
for the past few pics?
We used this chart to design them.
We made a pictogram story using
Native American symbols.

It's just not a holiday unless we play TAPE NOSE!
We called this one TURKEY NOSE...
we even learned how to roll our own tape circle this time!
 Bryce was the winner!

Are you ready for this one?
Gabby was the regional winner for the 
FIRE POSTER contest!
Congratulations, Gabby!
 She received two checks and a plaque!

At 1:30 we met the other k classes in the cafeteria.
We came as the helpful Wampanoag Indians and brought 
our carrot/potato, sweet potato soup.
Mrs. Pilger's kids came as the Pilgrim's bringing their
bean/pea/corn/pasta soup.
Mrs. Kalmes' kids came as the turkeys
and brought their onion/barley/meat soup~
 Here we are with our yummy soup!
 Each soup is very nice but it would be so much better
if we could mix them together...
Soup from a Stone? Fancy that!

The lesson from stone soup is similar to the Pilgrim's 1st Thanksgiving...everything is far better when shared as we are grateful for what we have!
 Tadadadada!  MMMMM!

We loved our combined stone soup!

 We sang songs, ate, and played together.
Then while the teachers cleaned up,
the kiddos watched Thanksgiving videos in Mrs. Kalmes' room.

What a nice week!
Here's some of our books from this week:

Sarah Morton's Day: A Day in the Life of a Pilgrim Girl (Scholastic Bookshelf Series) Samuel Eaton's Day: A Day in the Life of a Pilgrim Boy 'Twas the Night before Thanksgiving
Here's next week's line up:

November 26-30
Reading: Letter Tt, star word "like", beginning sounds, and sequence of events
Math: Topic 5~Six-Ten:Writing, Counting, Making 10
Theme: Families
Science: Where do Animals Find Food?
Social Studies: Seasons Bring Change

BIG NEWS: We will be collecting the bottom third of clean milk jugs through December, we are making an igloo!
If you wish to see last year's look back at Dec 2011 blog listing.

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