
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Week 19 HALF WAY DONE with Kindergarten for the 2012-2013 year!

Yep, we are HALFWAY through with Kindergarten 
for the 2012-2013 school year!  Wow!
Look for report cards to come home on Friday.

Sigh...I just love this class...wish we could just sloooowww down.

Oh, My Goodness!  
I have soooo many cute pics to show you this week!
First of all, here are a few books we read:
Look for them at your local library and have a great retelling of these super stories!

Here is the recent computer lab game we have been playing:
It is alphabetic and  numeric order. Have fun!

The beach unit proved to be extremely fun this year!
These kiddos have the lovely ability of doing fun, crazy things with their teacher, then being able to "get it back together"!
It makes teaching them delightful!

Here are the beginning of the week's morning challenges:
Fishy Number Order...

Chicka Chicka Puzzle

Beach Words...

Then we made our own coconut tree 
focusing on our LAST names.

We squeezed in two more family projects.
Two more will be highlighted next week...
forgot to take a pic!

Coconut Trees!

Our first Venn Diagram.
We read Humphry the Lost Whale
and Ibis, A True Story then compared and contrasted the elements.

Our passwords are getting longer!

This is a liquids lucky duck book...

And a favorite: 
Geometric Solids you can EAT!
 A sugar cube:
 A cone: (Hershey's Kiss)
 A Cylinder (Smartie)
actually a bunch of cylinders stacked!
 We also had a Pez retangular prism and
a Gobstopper Sphere.

Bubble painting was a hit at Tuesday's centers!
 We also got to blow bubbles at the bubble station!

Another center was 
A Treasure of Ending Sounds....

Fish Bowl Addition.....

Stamping up Beach Words...

Last Name  Name Cards...

More bubble painting pics....
cute poem....

Dramatic play at the beach...

Here is round 2 of beach morning challenges.
This is chicka chicka counting by 5's....

Chicka Chicka Rhyme Time....

And the challenge requiring the most cooperative team work:
Under the Sea Puzzle

Don't you just love PINTEREST?
This is a glue pot idea from that great idea organizer!
We just used a small container 
with liquid glue and water base 
and a sponge!
Most of the k kids' glue sticks are out 
so this just might save some money!
It appears to work well on copy paper.

We are still experimenting with construction paper.
Just tap tap tap your small paper on the sponge!

Wow!  Your families sure found a lot of liquids!
These two gentlemen found one for every letter of the alphabet!
I apologize for the soda prize....apparently our pop machine no longer carries fruit juice!
Nice job everyone!

Our Beach Party day finally arrived!
We began our day by creating these cutie pie suns!

Our review work included this adorable octopus
made by matching teen numerals to dots...

And our room's switch-a-roo project, a crab!

What tropical looking work areas!

After Gym and Music we changed into our beach clothes!

During choice we danced to Wipe Out!

Here is our milk ...nothing says tropical drink
 like a fancy little umbrella!

Beachy dramatic play....

These kiddos are Mrs. Kalmes' class.
While I was making crabs with them, our class was with Mrs. Pilger creating jelly are down further on this post...

Here are Mrs. Pilger's kids.
We were in Mrs. Kalmes' room painting seahorses!
LaMorris' mom stayed to help!
Thank you!

Our jellyfish turned out adorable!

And our seahorses are cute!

On Friday we journaled about sea animals
and created these scuba divers to go along with
our writing...super sweet!

We will have one more round of beach centers on Tuesday.
Then it is goodbye beach....hello Chinese New Year!

Week of January 22-25
Reading: Letter Gg, star word 'go',  blending sounds into words
Math: Begin Topic 8 Fractions and Ordinals...Equal Halves
Theme: wrap up the beach, begin Chinese New Year
 (Year of the Snake)
Science:  intro to Earth's water
Social Studies: Dr. Martin Luther King's message of PEACE

Mark your calendars for Monday, January 28 at 7:00 for the 
next PLAY meeting 
(Parents of Lewiston Altura Youth...similar to a PTA)
Everyone is a member by default!
Come and get involved a little or a lot....every little bit helps!

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