
Friday, September 5, 2014

Week 1 or Buttons,Pockets, and Bears...OH MY!

Wow! We did it! Week one under our belts!
I do have to say our first 4 days were calm, productive, and fun!

Most of my blogs for school are picture heavy.
I try to explain what is going on, 
but if you ever have questions,
please ask!

Here we are having snack on the first day...

We also made Chester, the main character from the Kissing Hand...

 We painted a Kissing Hand to leave at home to remind you of how much we love you!

We read our first book...and colored the illustrations to match the words...

 We actually discovered we already can read!
Ask your kiddo to read this:
and a  2x

We learned there are 3 ways to read a book:
1.Read the Words
2."Read" the Pictures
3. Retell the Story 

We make plenty of time for choice during the day:

Kitchen play..

Painting station...

Discovery Table...(buttons!)

What a nice first day of school!
Thank you, Jess, for the super photo!

On the 2nd day we learned the 
Pledge of Allegiance...

Because I did not get around to taking 1st day pictures, we took 2nd day pictures!

 Many many many of our projects will stay at school
either to decorate our room and hallway or
as part of our "LUCKY DUCK" books.
Lucky Duck books are essentially our journal pages
and writing responses that we bind into a book 
and send home for the night for your kiddo to share 
with her/his family.
Please return these classmade books the next day
so someone else can take it home!
 One of our first Lucky Duck books is
 Here we are painting...later we will label!

We had the authors and illustrator of 
stop by and read us the book they gave us at 
Open House!

Our first major cutting project involved a 

Book Time is right after snack daily!

Here are a few pics from around our room!
It is looking good...lots of learning happening here!
(the lived in look is a good thing, right?)

We made a collage of our names 

Our leader is reading the Morning Meeting chart with us...

More choice time activities....


Mrs. Benke stopped in and played a
Pete the Cat and his Groovy Buttons game!
Yep, I took this great game right off of PINTEREST!
You got to LOVE that site!
You can follow my boards if you wish, but be warned... they are filled with
 kindergarten stuff, cookies, barn quilts, and chickens!

 We played a fun game called 
"Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear,
 I Can't Find You Anywhere!:

These kids LOVE projects!
Here is our version of Corduroy

 So Sweet!

As a gift to you, we designed these adorable
"cute as a button" frames!

 We have rest time every day...
the kiddos do not have to sleep they just have to rest quietly on their towels for 20 minutes or so.
On Fridays we have a special rest time treat...
we have a rest movie with Mrs. Pilger's kids!
We take turns hosting this exciting time, this week was our turn...we watched Corduroy and a collection of other literacy videos.  Fun!

 Here is our final Morning Message for the week...
Are you wearing  a pocket?

We are painting our BIG BEARS!

And finally, this is some of the books we read this week...FUN!
Didn't I tell you we had a great week?
But I bet your kiddos were tired!
I know I was! I laid down on Thursday at 7 for a rest and woke up at 4 in the morning still dressed with my contacts in!
Now for this upcoming week:
September 8-12
Reading: Nursery Rhymes
Math: Sorting/Classifying
Science: What Body Parts Do Animals Have?
Social Studies: We Learn From Our Families
Theme: Brown Bear

Special Notes:
Field Trip forms are due on Thursday as we must order lunches two weeks prior to our trip.  Hope you can come with us!

Book orders are also due Tuesday

Be sure to join our Kindergarten at Lewiston-Altura 
Facebook page!

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