
Friday, August 14, 2015

Summer School Rain Forest Animals 2

My, Oh, My!
What a super week!
On Monday we posed for pictures with our new rain forest hats.

 My station was mostly housekeeping activities,
getting our folders and beginning our bug sticker collection.

Miss Amy assisted the explorers in sorting long a/short a
on an adorable snake!

Ms. Jenny oversaw the snake painting station...

Ms. Annie helped with snake patterning...

Mrs. Gnadt's station was snake addition...

 When the kiddos were not at a station, they had choice time!


Snack time is always a hit!

 Tuesday's Centers included:
Bat Additon with Mrs. Gdnat...

 Layers of the rain forest (day 1)
with Mrs. H...

 Ms. Annie had 2 activities,
Batty One More/One Less
Bat Attributes...

Miss Amy played a beginning sound game with the kids...

 My table was to create these adorable bat magnets...

more choice...

Sharing time was a hit especially with this little caterpillar...

And look at this great photo of a Minnesota little brown bar that Ms.Annie and Emily  found in a folded up chair when they went home on Tuesday! What good timing!

On Wednesday our stations were:
~at family with Miss Amy...

Chameleon Suncatchers with Ms. Annie...

 Color word review with Mrs.Olson...

Finishing our layers of the rain forest with Mrs. Gnadt...

 Chameleon Sight Word review with yours truly...

 Thursday's stations included:
Build-a-Bug Workshop!
The kids began at my table...
They chose a head, thorax, and abdomen and painted each bug part.
 Then they headed over to Ms. H's table to put the pieces together...

 Mrs. Gnadt had addition and more/less review with butterflies...

Ms. Annie began our picture frames...
(be looking for a picture with Friday's photos)

Miss Amy helped us with numeric order...

The kids love to play with playdo!!!! 

 Book Time is my favorite!

On Friday Mrs. Gnadt finished the pictures frames...
(this was a big project!!!)

But oh so worth the wait! 
 Miss Amy's center was this awesome Rain Forest Book...

 Mrs. Murphy and I had a two part project...
 I helped the kids with the cover,

 Mrs. Murphy  helped with the inside!
 Choice time...

 Good Reads this week...

Thank you for enrolling your child in our enrichment summer school!
I love love love teaching these kiddos!

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