
Friday, November 20, 2015

Week 11 Letter Rr, sound /r/, Turkeys!

Thanks to everyone who came to conferences, 
we had 100% turnout!

Before I begin, let me give you the link to the game the kids played today in the computer lab:
They LOVED it and wanted to play it at home.
Plus it builds keyboarding skills...shhh, don't tell them!

We began learning about turkeys on Monday.
Here we are painting a project...scroll down a bit to see these beauts!

Mrs. Sauers showed the kids how the big spiralgraph works...What fun!

This guy loved being the leader on Monday!
We had quite the 100s Club turn out this week...4 new members!  Way to go, kiddos!
The kids learned how to play a version of chutes and ladders turkey style to 100!

The next few pics are of all of us posing for a lucky duck book coming home soon!

Here's a few more family projects....

Tuesday's centers included the following:
Sorting bdgpq...

Finding ways to make 6 with turkey feathers...

Plus one...a tough skill just now, 
it will get easier!

Race to 30 turkey style...

Miss Anna is working on parts of a plant with us...

What fun...We got to play with shaving cream! The kids practiced letters, numbers, and shapes, plus we ended up with very clean tables just in time for conferences!

Wednesday was new Morning Challenges:
Pumpkin Missing Number...

Seasons Sorting...

Turkey ABC and abc Order...

Tatada! Here are our beautiful turkeys!

Here is another of our 100s Club Celebrations!
I brought snack this week...Rrrrreally small muffins for the letter r...
(at the store I had it in my head is was the letter Mm...a mistake!  But we worked it with the RRRREAlly small bit!)

Yep, 2 more 100s club kids!

We opened a new section at the science table...the scientists are loving the turkey feathers, deer antlers, and turtle shells!

We took down the ABCs across America letters and made a lucky duck book out of them.

Thursday's centers included:
Read the Room with Groceries!
Read the room is great because it gets the kids moving while they learn!

Ways to Make 6 with Mrs. Sauers and turkeys!

Feast Of Beginning Sounds...

Tricky Number Turkeys...
(missing number)

Turkey More and Less...

Friday was our 50th day in K!

Here are a few peeks at the new stuff in our room...

Earlier this week we made these adorable
"ways to make 5" turkeys!

We also learned about action words 
(verbs) with these funny turkey pictures!

Good Reads!

And now for the short week of November 23-25:
Reading: Letter Tt, sound /t/, beginning sounds
Math: 6-10 printing and comparing
Theme: Thanksgiving and Gratitude
Social Studies: Wants vs. Needs
Science: What Lives in a Pond?
Early Dismissal on Wednesday at 1:00
No School Thursday and Friday

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