
Friday, January 15, 2016

Week 18 Letter Vv, sound /v/, star word 'to', BEACH !

Happy Beach Week 1!
In Math we are continuing with our geometry unit.
We broke out the GEOBOARDS to  make some pretty awesome shapes on...

Here are two more lovely family projects: 

Tuesday brought new BEACHY morning challenges:
Beach Word Puzzles...

Fishy Real vs. Nonsense Words...

Coconut Tree Counting by 5s...

 Here's our new shark game!
Page down for some action shots...

This was our first try at listening for How many PHONEMES (letter sounds)
Well done!
 Even our Smartboard was ready for SHARK DAY!
 We created these adorable sharks!

 Wow! Look at all those family projects!

Tuesday's Centers included:
Shark /s/ or /sh/ sound sorting...

Beach Scene Stamping...

Fishy Friends Reading and Writing...

Shark Attack Addition...
(we saw that equations can be written up and down as well as side to side) 

On Wednesday this kiddo brought us yummy 
Valentine treats for letter Vv...

Here are those shark game action shots...

 So many fun beach areas to play in this week and next!

Wednesday was OCTOPUS day!

Here's a few more of our snowman family projects...

I found a new tic-tac-toe game at Target! 

With Geometry as our math topic, the kids have been having a blast playing with the geometric solids!

Here is our art gallery from this week:
Octopus Handprints...

Crabby Handprints...

 and Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Trees!

We've been doing a bit of crayon resist watercolor paintings this week.  So we mixed it up a bit and made the "watercolor wash" into a 
"bubble wash!"  
What a fun effect~

 Thursday's centers included:
Coconut Tree Rhyming Review...

Ending Sounds Seashells...

Crabby Vowels...

and Octopus Read the Room for missing #...

Friday brought new beachy morning challenges:
Under the Sea beginning blends...(st sh cr)

Beach Words...

Seastar Numeric Order...

 We've been journaling what we might see under the sea!

 Geometric Shapes have been so much fun!
Here we are sorting...

Good Reads:

And now for the week of January 18-22:
Reading: Letter Cc, sound /c/, short a, star word look
Math: Geometry and Fractions Intro
Theme: Beach Week 2
(see the note about our beach party on Friday!)
Social Studies: Transportation Then and Now
Science: Describing the Weather
Big News: Jonathon is our Star Student
We will have a beach party on Friday!
A note will come home shortly
(if it hasn't already!)
This year we are asking for SUMMERY clothing but no SWIMMING SUITS .
Some ideas are tank tops, shorts, summery dresses and skirts, Hawaiian Shirts, Leis, Flip Flops (tennis shoes required for gym)
Please have kids wear their fun summery clothes to school (except flip flops, we will put those on AFTER Phy. Ed)

No School Monday, January 25 due to 
Teacher Workshop


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