
Thursday, May 5, 2016

Week 34, Letter Ee, star word 'we', Flowers and Mothers' Day!

Okay, here's a few pics of our busy weekend...
We hiked 14 miles on the Superior Hiking Trail!
Here John and Maeve are at the summit of Carlton Peak (900 feet change in elevation!)
We were more than halfway to Canada on Hwy 61 near Schroeder.  Only 245 miles more to go to  finish the trail!
Yes, I made it, too! 
 Me and my true home...Lake Superior!!!
Agates are plentiful on Gooseberry right now!
 We took an unexpected journey to Bemiji...
and Lake Itasca... 
as we had a mix up with Jefferson Bus lines to get Maeve back to Moorhead!

 So back to work on Monday!
We made these beautiful flower pics and used our PERFECT PENMANSHIP to write about flowers!

 So lovely!

We finally got to take our beans and peas home that we planted 2 weeks ago!

 Best day ever!

 Monday we had to travel again to get our honey bees!  Yay!  The girls are home and settled in...more pics next week!

 That's about 10,000 honey bees and one hungry queen!  We set up two hives this year again, so 20,000 bees to help the ecosystem and keep me company in the garden!

Tuesday brought new morning challenges:
Short e word puzzles:

 Word Building...

and o'clock review...

On Monday we began our first Milk Break May extra recess.  We play outside during milk break if the weather is fair!  Best 15 minutes spent!

Tuesday's centers included:
Flowers Spin a Word...

What is the Earth Made of?

Finding Flowery Number Words...

Adding Carrots...

Oh, another home break...mushrooms for supper!

We have been learning about flowers this week, here is another great painting technique we tried...painting with flowers!

During our switch-a-roo day we "planted" flowers:
 We also worked on cards for Moms and Dads!
 Enjoy their insights!

Hey Hey Hey! 
The Flower Shop is up and running!
Such a lovely place for dramatic play...sigh.

Due to Friday's all day field trips our blog will be updated on Thursday.
Photos of the buffalo farm and goat farm will be included in next week's exciting adventure!

And now for the week of May 9-13:
Reading: Letter Jj, vowels, star word 'me'
Math: Calendar
Theme: Birds and Bugs
Science: What are Pushes and Pulls?
Late Start on Wed, May 11 10:00
K Hoe Down on Fri, May 13
Oxbow Zoo Fri. May 27
Family Picnic Thurs. June 2
(sign up sheet for picnic coming soon!)

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