
Friday, April 21, 2017

2017 Week 32 Letter Uu, Farm, Purple Cows, and Clocks

Lucky Me!  I was able to make it to Indianapolis for my granddaughter's preschool Easter celebration last Friday!
We only got a few hours of sleep, but that's what Grandmas do!
 We also got to be with these cutie pies!
All four of them in a row!
 Last week we celebrated this fella's birthday but I left my phone at home!  Yikes!  Thanks for posing afterwards!
 We began the week with new morning challenges:
Easter Egg counting by 2s...

 Bunny sentences...

 Money puzzles...

 We opened the Vet Clinic!
Just look at all those vets and customers and receptionists!

Our discovery table is now farm toys! 
 This vet is reading a real xray!

Yummy!  This looks fun...PURPLE COWS!

 The kids read a poem about purple cows, we drew purple cows, and finally we got to make and EAT purple cows!

 Tuesday's centers included:
Cow addition...

 Finding and printing Mrs. Wishy Washy's farm animals...

 stamping and spelling farm animals...

 practicing perfect penmanship with Mrs. Wishy Washy...

 Here's another family project!
It looks good enough to eat!
 We are still missing a few, please send in a rainbow if you haven't. It's our last one of the year!

Here's more vet clinic pics...

 Thursday's morning challenges included:
Reading time to the hour...

 Piggy counting by 5s...

 Farm animal puzzles...

I brought in my son's CHICKABOOM game.
The kids have been having a blast making the two sides balance!  Great engineer work, kids!

The homework data is in...
How Many Clocks Do You Have?
 That's a fun graph!
Here's some more pics of the stations in our room...
Farm animals spelling...
 Our clock station...

Wednesday and Thursday were pig days!
We learned a lot about pigs.
They are smart and clean.
They prefer clean water to mud.
They need to keep their skin moist so they'll take a mud bath if no clean water is available.
The kids wrote other pig facts after we created these cutie patotie pigs for the hallway!

We used the letters in 
to create words, real and silly!

We often get BONUS BOOK time right after recess.
This is my favorite time of the day!
I love to watch the interactions between kids sharing books!

 Thursday's centers included:
Get The Pig To The Pen
Sounding out words...

Piggy Banks, counting the value of nickels...

Piggy Addition...dropping pigs in the pen, how many were inside, how many were outside?

 Piggy Banks, counting the value of dimes...

Good Reads this week:We finished Junie B. Jones Has A Peep In Her Pocket this week!  This was our 2nd chapter book!

And now for the week of April 24-28:
Reading: subject/verb, reading with expression
Star Words: have, help, one, every, ask, walk
Math: Time and Clocks
Science: How does the sun seem to move?
Theme: Farm, planting seeds, making bread!
Friday, April 28 is our Kindergarten Hoe Down!
Please see last week's note about it
Friday, May 12...1:00 Student Dismissal
Thursday, June 1...last student day!
In the morning the whole school will be going to a movie 
This was the Fools' 5 reward this year!
We will meet you for the end of the year kindergarten picnic and Spring Concert around 12.
Details to follow about venue and exact time.

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