
Wednesday, March 28, 2018

2018 Week 29 Spring Animals and Subtraction

So this happened last weekend!

 Doesn't everyone have a favorite astrophysicist? 
WE DO! (we are waiting for the presentation here...we arrived 45 minutes early to the State Theater in Minneapolis!)
He spoke about our place in the universe with a program entitled Cosmic Perspective.
He will be filming a new season of Cosmos!!!

 Here's a quick video about part of Dr. Tyson's message:
I've vowed to let the kids make more messes...and to empower them to clean them up!

Meanwhile back at school...
We've new morning challenges!
We sorted 2G words with bunnies...

 We counted by 2s to 50 with eggs...

 We counted by 5s with bunnies and carrots...
 On Monday we created these cute little duck/bunnies!

 This eager learner is sorting season items!
 Ms. Sauers helped us with real/silly words with 
 The Spring Animals station is up and running!


 We've been learning about OVIPAROUS animals...
animals that lay eggs!
These gentlemen we working on a project together.

We've opened a maker station at the Spring Animal station.
There were lots of little kindergarten bunnies created!
We also designed and created clothing for smaller bunnies...

Wow!  That's a tall structure!

The discovery table is just full of spring surprises!
Tuesday's centers included:
Measuring with jelly beans!
(first we estimated then we measured)

Brain Break: spring playdo or spring words pokey pin
(or both!)

Missing numeral AND plus 1 and minus 1...

This table had 3 extra bonuses!
Here's a sneak peek at our newest Lucky Duck book about OVIPAROUS and VIVPAROUS animals...

We created this big chart together!
Be looking for these cutie patotie little gifts coming home! So cute I just had to share!

Spring has sprung?  Looks like it in our room anyway!

All week we've been working on these adorable little chicks and writing about them using adjectives and proper nouns (if we named them)...

This cutie brought brownies shaped like eggs for our letter Ee snack! 
Extra tasty! 

Here's a handful of the bunnies we created...

 Good reads!

And now for the week of April 4-6:
Reading: Letter Hh and Kk, sound it out
Star Words: he, no, away, by, must, there
Math: Money ...coins penny, nickel, dime
Theme: wrap up Spring Animals begin weather
BIG NEWS: report cards will me emailed soon from the front office. Only one more quarter left!!! Wow!

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