
Friday, April 20, 2018

2018 Week 32 Rainbows, Mud, and Clocks

Despite near blizzard conditions last weekend, we managed to get north and west of Stillwater, Wisconsin to pick up this year's honeybees. They are living temporarily in our shop awaiting warmer weather. That's the queen in the little cage. You can read my Instagram account if you'd like more interesting bee facts. I love raising honeybees! 
Our light table is up and running with lots of great structures being built daily!
This week's first morning challenges included:
Rainbow odd or even....

Rainbow subtraction...

Short u words..

Tuesdays centers included :
Rainbow painting...

Phase 2 of our Rockin' Robins.... Pictures to come at a later date

Sound it out rainbows...

The fancy word is subitizing... Which means understanding how to represent number values. 
Example: 3 plus how many more equal 6?

Thanks for participating in Monday's bonus homework about favorite colors...
We've been learning about rainbows!

Oh what a great idea for our Uu snack!
Thanks to this kiddo for the unicorn sprinkles umbrella rice Krispy treat!
In library we've been studying famous artist. Last week it was Picasso, this week, Michelangelo!  We even got to draw like we were painting the Sistene Chapel's ceiling! That Ms. Manly and Ms. Kay sure keep our lessons fun and interesting!

Mr. Schollmeier has been reading with us every Monday and Tuesday for 30 minutes. Today was his last day until next winter  Thank you, Mr. S!

What fun, the veteranary clinic dramatic play center is open for business! Thank you, Dr. Flathers for the real xrays!

Oh, the farm area is slowly getting set up for next week's fun and learning!
Good reads  ...
Yep, even really did it, we painted with MUD for Thursday's bonus homework! We'll also be working on a lucky duck book about mud as well!

It was MUD DAY!
Here's another lovely family project.... There's just 2 left to turn in. Plus this is our last family project for the year. Thank you for all the great, beautiful, amazing projects! You were making memories!
Thursday's centers included :
Rainbow Hair project... There's more pics further down

Color word I spy...
Ways to make 10...

Paint chip word Families....

The kids get so excited if they can finish a station in the quick 10 minutes allocated!

Here's the rainbow hair pics ... 

Friday's new morning challenges included:
Clock puzzles...

Farm animal addition...

Farm animal adult/offspring puzzles...

Ms. Carstenbrock, our Winona State student, guided the kids through their MUD journal page!

We are working on lucky duck book #100 and #101 (Windblown!) as we speak!  WOW!


And now for the week of April 23-27:
Reading: letters Ww and Ll, short u
Star Words: walk, ask, every, have, are, help
Math: Clocks and Time
Science: How does the sun seem to move in the sky?
Theme: The Farm!
Big News: 
Enrichment Summer School forms are due ASAP so we can plan for class size. 
Please let me know if you need another form.
 Thank you!

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