
Friday, March 1, 2019

2019 Week 24 Letter Dd, Catch up Snow Days~American The Beautiful, Dental Health

No surprise... another snow day!
We did try to find some joy in the weather though... 
this photo makes me smile!  
My hubby dug this quinzee(snow shelter) for Loki, he did not like it, so we used it for a nice, little reading nook and he stood guard!
We've the world's slowest sled dog!
Thank goodness he pulls a kick sled so we can help with getting around in a timely fashion!

This really nice guy brought Rr snacks for us last Friday 
(we ate it after I had posted the blog last week) 
Rice Crispy treats are RRReally good!

On Tuesday we finally began our American Symbols unit for Social Studies.
They really loved making the "Uncle Sam" eagles!

In Science we are talking about living and nonliving...
We discovered living things change and grow,  need food and water,  move on their own,  reproduce,  and need air.

During centers on Tuesday we painted our hands to look like the American flag...
to go along with a little poem about the Pledge of Allegiance! Yes,  we still say it in school so if you see one of those social media posts about "bringing it back into schools" ask when it was ever taken out!

We also had a living/ nonliving sort...

American Symbols and practicing teen numbers
 (one set of ten and ___ left over)

Capitol Star word practice...

And Lady Liberty color words...

These kiddos are reading some of our America the Beautiful themed books...
Wednesday's new morning challenges included:
State match up...

Star spangled counting by 5s...

And American Symbols words...

We leaned about and created our own Statue of Liberties...
This darling k kid brought "dog snacks"
 for our letter Dd snack!  

We finally finished our 100 piece panda puzzle!   Whew,  that was a tough one! 

Great teamwork,  kids!
On Wednesday we learned more about eagles and created this adorable eagle puppet!

We had a very generous donation last Fall
 from Haley's aunt of beads....
1000s of beads!   100s of 1000s of beads!
We have finally opened a beading station where the kids design their own bracelets and necklaces and crowns!   
It's been a very popular station.
If you have any thin wire or jewelry string laying around that you are not using,  we'd love to take it off your hands!

What fun!

We had a bonus eagle to make if we wanted.   I'm pretty sure this fella made several! They kind of glide like an airplane,  so they are fun to play with!
Here's 2 of our America The Beautiful stations for the kids to check out...

 And here's a song from YouTube that we listened to this week:
Ms. Harden has been working very hard on some tough literacy concepts with the k kids.  Here she was showing good grammar vs. bad grammar! Everyone's doing a nice job beginning to understand this concept!

Thursday's centers included brain break play dough 
with abc stampers...
 Tooth fairy plus 2...

 Toothy ending sounds...

 Tooth counting on...

 And comparing/ contrasting happy vs  sad teeth...

And now for the short week of March 4-6:
Language Arts:  review all letters and star words so far
Noun/verb agreement
Math: Addition
Theme: Dr.Seuss and Read Across America
Science : what do living things need? 
Big News: 
Next week's dress up days are: 
Manic Monday... dress in mismatched clothes
Tootsie Tuesday... wear crazy socks 
Birthday Best Wednesday... fancy dress
Potato Storybook Characters are due next week if you are participating.  See the Cardinal for details.

No School Thursday. March 7 and Friday,  March 8... Spring Break

10:00 late start Wednesday,  March 13

Winter Carnival Friday,  March 15 
from 5-7:30 

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