
Thursday, November 7, 2019

2019 November Week 10 Scarecrows and Candy Corn, Letter Ss, Star Word Review

We had a nice quiet weekend for a change!
So here's a photo of Loki on top of Cherry Hill on the Bronk Trail, one of our favorite local hikes!  
Check it out sometime...
Monday morning brought new morning challenges:
pumpkin missing numeral...

 pumpkin cart one to one counting...

 and pumpkin ABC to abc match!

Last week and this week we worked on verbs, action words!

 On Monday afternoon we created these cutie patootie scarecrows complete with real patches!

First a disclaimer:
Teachers like to try new things sometimes.
(curse you, PINTEREST!)

Sometimes those new things are wonderful both on an aesthetic as well as educational and creative level.
This one WAS very very adorable...
and fairly creative (for the kids to complete)
and somewhat educational ...
Oh My! 
The prep time!
and the trips to Dollar General to get more ingredients!
Oh the putzing around-ness!

Thankfully my daughter helped construct the base of these scarecrows at home.  
Which promptly fell about in the jeep on the way to school!
Whew!  I got them back together in time for centers where the k kids dressed and decorated these yummy little guys.


 Okay, the k kids were SOOOOO excited by them, I might must reconsider one day!
We saved the scarecrows to eat on Wednesday for letter Ss day!

 Our other 3 centers were:
Scarecrow Roll-A-Word...

 scarecrow beginning sounds...

 scarecrow numbers...

crow read the room...color words!

The kids get so excited to finish a center!
It is happening more and more often as we get used to the routine and are mastering the skills practiced!
Way to go, ladies!

Our hallway learning station is now the 
This is still a very popular choice time activity.

The scarecrow station is up and running!

We got to make our very own scarecrow in class!
These kids are a hoot!
I gave them newspaper to search for words on before we scrunched it up to stuff the scarecrow with.
They didn't want to stop reading!
How fun is that!

 Here's our finished product...
We should name her/him! 

We had a guided drawing lesson on making candy corn.
The kids were crazy excited to draw in their writing journals. Finally!

(never mind that finger in the's what happens when k kids want to take a photo of the team!)
We created these adorable button Indian Corn 
(ya, I know, we've got to find a different name for that colorful stuff.  Rainbow corn? )

Another day, another structure!

Hat twins!

Our reading station swaps out quite frequently.
Here's our latest...

Good reads...

Here's a final fun corn poem....

Centers on Thursday included:
Candy Corn Creatures!  So many imaginative ways to build with candy corn!

 Candy Corn Beginning Sound...

Candy Corn Addition...

Candy Corn Decoration...

Candy Corn Rhyme Time...

Candy Corn ABC was a bonus!

Here's more creations...

They really are cute little critters!

And now for the week of November 11-15:
Reading Language Arts: Letter Aa (short sound like in apple)
star word *see*, adjectives, beginning sounds
Math: comparing sets to 10
Social Studies: People at Work and Savings
Theme: Outer Space
10:00 start on Wednesday, November 13
Conferences on Thursday, November 14 and Monday, November 18

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