
Friday, December 13, 2019

2019 Week 15 an family, star word review, GINGERBREAD!

This week we began GINGERBREAD WEEK!
But first a little North Shore getaway!

We harvested (legally!) a Christmas Tree from the Superior National Forest!  Look me up on Instagram if you are interested in this fun adventure!
 We spent some time on the (and in the!) Lake.
My hubby has the best luck with agates and beach glass!

 Oh how I love this place!
Yes, I jumped IN the lake after a sauna.  
Check that off my bucket list!
Until next time, Lake Superior!

So with a refreshed spirit, we began
GINGERBREAD WEEK in Kindergarten!
First order of business was to decorate these cutie patootie Gingerbread people!

 We baked gingerbread right in the classroom!
Scroll down to see the fun and aromatic process!

Monday's morning challenges were:
Gingerbread man ABC order...
Gingerbread man teens...

Gingerbread man counting by 5s...
(sorry no group photo)

We mixed and measured and made a nice cookie dough.
The kids then rolled out their own gingerbread man cookie!

Stay tuned as we bake these later in this posting!

These girls solved a difficult puzzle together!
The leader is practicing for group time!
Here's some of the gingerbread centers in case you missed them last week...

The cookies filled our room with the BEST aroma ever!

Tadada!  We baked 2 dozen gingerbread cookies in 2 hours!
Yes, only 5 cookies and a time!

Monday afternoon our lovely paras helped the k kids assemble (and happily wear!) gingerbread necklances!

Oh, we also baked a gingerbread cake to share!

These kiddos are solving a counting puzzle...

All week long we worked on words in the ~an family...

Tuesday's centers included: 
Gingerbread houses one to one (teens)...

~an family...

Cookie decorating AND eating...

Gumdrop 3d shapes...


More cookies...

And gingerbread playdo!!!!


More gumdrop 3d shapes!


and more cookies!

and more gingerbread playdough!


Here's an Instagram post about our fun gingerbread week:

And now for something really different...
we added 2 jars of jingle bells to the magnatiles tub!
What magnetic fun!

On Wednesday this awesome kiddo brought AAAAAnimal crackers for our Aa treat!

Choice time shots...

On Wednesday afternoon we created gingerbread houses from a base of milk cartons and paper bags.
They are really cute!
scroll down for the finished prodect!

More gingerbread learning!

Here's those adorable houses!

Thursday's new morning challenges included:
Gingerbread sentence unscramble...

more gingerbread teens...

gingerbread sound match...

Thursday's centers included:
STEM a boat so the gingerbread man doesn't get wet!

Gingerbread words with Ms G...

Gingerbread friends...

a gingerbread game with our special guest helper, Aurora!
(she's my son's girlfriend who's keeping busy during her winter break!)
Thanks, Aurora!

and our last station was read the room
Gingerbread Number words...

Good reads!
We have another 6 year old!
This fella also turned 6 but I didn't get a chance to post last week!

And now for the week of December 16-20:
Reading/Language Arts: short a, 
star words 'come' and 'me'
punctuation, verbs/nouns
Math: Addition
Social Studies: Wants/Needs
Theme: Christmas, Polar Express!
Big News:
Have a memory filled Holiday Season!
Enjoy those precious little ones!
School resumes on Thursday, January 2

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