
Friday, November 5, 2021

2021 Week 9 Skeletons, Candy Corn, and Scarecrows

 Hello, K Families!

We had a near record breaking amount of kiddos and their families out to my home for trick-or-treating! 

23 kids!  The record is close! Thank you for taking the time to come over, it means a lot to me!

Here are the Halloween photos I promised from last week:

And here are our super fun Halloween stations:

Sorting out our candy...we could only eat 3 small pieces but we had loads of fun sorting and counting!

Halloween Playdough!

Here is a spooky spider game and Halloween toys to explore

This station was either ghost cup stacking or bean bag toss or both...

and of course, one of our favorites: Halloween Bingo!

What fun!

On Monday we played catch up and learned about our skeleton.  This is a good science lesson for k kids!  

These kiddos came up for a photo op... remember if your child is not pictured here it's because they passed on the photo shoot.

We have real bones and fake bones at our bones station.  This kids have fun sorting them out!

This Mr. X-Ray was fun to piece together whole group!  The kids did a great job figuring our where each bone should go.

Tuesday was CANDY CORN day! My Favorite!
What that means is we watched how candy corn is made ( it's a 5 day process from beginning to end), we learned about its history (it was originally called chicken feed!) we had candy corn centers, and we ate 5 pieces of this polarizing candy!  
Only 1 kiddo did not like candy corn this year.  

During group time we played "I have...Who has?" candy corn style!

Here are our fun centers:
Candy Corn Build the ABC's 
(candy corn NOT for eating here...haha)

Candy Corn magnets with Mrs. Sauers...

Candy Corn Beginning Sounds...

Candy Corn Addition with Ms. Erin
 (our first attempt at adding independently!)

My table was a different kind of corn...
Decorative Corn! 

This artist drew a delicious treat!
On Wednesday we had a guided drawing lesson to make a SCARECROW!  We moved the tables to the side and all of us laid on the floor and drew these beauties together!  Then we painted them!  Soooo cute and creative!  I just love how they are all different.

Thursday's centers included:
comparing plants and what part we eat...

Fall Pattern Block Challenge...

Scarecrow Sight Word Dice Game...

Read the Room: Colorful Crows...

(we printed color words after finding the crows with a color word printed on each)

Long ago vs Today: Our Social Studies theme this week.  If you found an error on your child's, I apologize, we did not have a teacher or helper here to supervise.  I did hear some great conversation at this table though as they helped each other!

And now for the week of November 8-12:

Reading/Language Arts: Letter Ss, sound for /s/, penmanship for Ss

Beginning Sounds and Verbs (action words)

Sight word review: *I* *and* *like* *the*

Math: Comparing #s to 10

Science: Living vs Non-Living

Social Studies: Family History 

Theme: Outer Space!!!!

BIG NEWS: 10:00 Start on Monday, November 15

Parent/Teacher Conferences are Thursday, November 18 or Monday, November 22

Thanksgiving Break is Wednesday, November 24-Friday, November 26

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