
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Week 4 or EFGH and Happy Apple Days and CENTERS

We had  another super snack week:
Ee...Mrs. O'Duggan brought Easter Eggs (chocolate)
Ff....Malia brought brought FRESH FRUIT
Gg...Gabby brought GOLDFISH Crackers
Hh...Bryce brought HONEY Grahams

This week's snack line up is:

I believe these next pics are in backwards order...

Although this is a bit blurry,
these picture frames were soooo cute!
Since I no longer teach an enrichment day on Wednesdays,
this year's k class will be helping me to use up 
some of the projects left over from last year.
Lucky Ducks!

This is a center  activity ....painting apples and cardinals
with balloons!  This technique is fast and has lovely results.

Station 2 was our snack area.
We had dried apples which we made the day before,
three types of cut apples,
apple  juice,
and apple pie made with the apple sauce we made on this day!

Our 3rd center was a journaling and 5 senses area with Mrs. Benke

Here we are making that applesauce...what an AROMA coming from our room!

This smartie is working on her science page....
 at the science table we measured and drew our apple.
We thought like scientists!

We managed to squeeze in all of our reading lessons this week. Here we are working  on Hh...If You're Happy And You Know It project!
 More measuring....
 And another Hh project....

More scientists...

Here are some chefs...cutting apples for apple sauce


Here we linearly sorted by size...this was fun!
 Sorting by size like a graph

Sorting by color

Apple frame extra fun!

Mrs. Pilger had an appointment in LaCrosse
and needed to leave at 2:30 so 
both classes snuggled up for a science lesson
on Plants and Animals.
Double the kids....double the fun!

On Wednesday we peeled and cut apples to make dried apples...they took a whole day to get done!
It was worth the wait...MY FAVORITE!

On Gg day, I gave the kiddos a Glow Stick,
we tried to made Gg's in the the dark!

Another nice shot of our frames...

Gg day....gumball machine

On Tuesday we had our 2nd Centers...
These were Math centers.
This is circle painting table...using marshmallows!

At table 2 we learned how to make triangles from squares
 And at the last table we made thin rectangles into squares....

Remember earlier I posted that  the pics were in backwards order?
Well, these next pics are of our first experience with Centers.
All three tables had a very fun element to it as we learned the 
PROCEDURE for centers....

This center was numerals with fun fun!

The 2nd center was counting one to one and sorting  using
M&M's !
(best day ever!)

Center 3 was a dice game with Mrs. Benke's help.

I am not sure if I've let you know,
But everyday we create a lovely  page in our ABC BOOK
which your kiddo with bring home when it is completed.
These were the Ee EGGS...Excellent!

We used liquid watercolor and eye droppers.

I will post the APPLE ORCHARD pics separately!

And now for the upcoming week: October 1-5

Dear K Families,

What a wonderful day we had at the apple orchard last Friday!
If you were able to volunteer on that day, thank you so much!
If you weren't able to help out but would like to, our next field trip will be in May as we head over to Oxbow Zoo near Byron.

This week in Math we will continue with position words.
Reading has us looking at Ii, Jj, Kk, and Ll plus rhyming and beginning sounds.
Our themes are all Fall based themes....FUN FUN FUN!
Believe it or not, mid quarter assessments will be taking place this week.  Be looking for a copy to be sent home during the 2nd week in October.

As our weather promises to actually turn Autumn-like, please take a moment to write your family's name in permanent marker on EVERYTHING your child might take off during the day, including jackets,sweaters,sweatshirts. That way those items have a greater chance of being returned to you should they get lost or left behind.  
Please call, write, stop in to help anytime!

The K Team,

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