
Saturday, September 22, 2012

Week 3 or "See, Mrs. O'Duggan? My picture is all adventure-y!"

Yes, I LOVE it when the k kiddos say cute things!
The little guy who said his picture was all adventure-y was working on adding details to his drawing.
They catch on so quickly!

First of all, this week's snacks were awesome!
Keiran brought Aa apples!
Connor brought Bb bananas! \
Allie brought Cc crackers!\
Eli brought Dd donuts!

We are loving these tasty lessons!
This week I am bringing Ee,
Malia is on for Ff,
Gabby is on for Gg,
and Bryce  is on for Hh.
I will try to get a page with all letters listed, 
so you can check on your day and letter!

Here are a few of the books we read this week:

Lady with the Alligator PurseThe Wheels on the BusPete the Cat: I Love My White ShoesPete the Cat: Rocking in My School ShoesIf You Give a Dog a DonutThe Apple Pie Tree
Check out this reading (and singing) of Pete the Cat on YouTube:

Here we are with our new table activities:
jewel sorting....
animal sorting....

Mrs. Belland stops by most mornings to help us out.

Here we are matching abc's on a letter!
The green table is using abc stencils...

On Aa day we created cute alligator purses but my pics did not turn out...sad sad sad.
On Bb day we gave our Big Bears Bubble (painty) Baths!

We also learned about BUS SAFETY!
The kiddos beat me to 10 on our ABC game during calendar time.
They chose more recess time,so here we are playing an extra 15 minutes outside!
I will share in a later post about our ABC game...

On Thursday we began MORNING CHALLENGES!
After the kiddos take care of their folders and bags in the morning,
they solve an activity with their table.
The green table needed to put the puzzle in abc order...

Friday is library day...Ms.Manly is showing us an Arthur video
about taking care of our library books.

Our first K Switch-a-Roo Day!
We painted the seasons of the apple tree in our room.
This is the summer tree...

This is the Winter tree...

Nice science work, kiddos!

This is the Autumn tree....

This is the Spring tree...

Then my kiddos went to Mrs. Pilger's room to paint with apples.
Next they traveled to Mrs. Kalmes' to make (and eat) apple smiles!

Here is Mrs. Pilger's kids in our room listening to 
Apple Pie Tree book and CD.

Another picture of our seasons of the apple tree.

These are our beautiful apple prints made with Mrs. Pilger.

And, last but not least, our yummy APPLE SMILES
we made with Mrs. Kalmes....MMMMM!

And now for our upcoming week:
September 24-28
Wow! What a great week we have in store!
In Reading we will cover the letters Ee, Ff, Gg, and Hh.  Rhyming is also our focus.
In Math we are beginning Topic 2~Position Words.
Our Theme is APPLES!  
On Friday we are heading to the apple orchard!  Later this week we will send a note reminding you of your child's lunch choice (school lunch or bringing a home lunch).  Also a note to our volunteers will be included.  Thanks to all who can help!  You are awesome!
When we return on Friday we are heading right to the Homecoming Parade on Main Street.  You are welcome to join us!

Please join our  facebook page....look for us by searching Kindergarten at Lewiston-Altura Elementary!

Have a great week!

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