
Friday, September 16, 2016

2016 September Week 2 Letters AaBbCcDdEe and Brown Bear

Don't you just love Fall when you can have nice crisp mornings....
 but it is still warm enough to hang out at the beach?
Me, too!

 Here's our week:
This little guy was sooo happy to bring our first letter of the day treat...Aa for apples!

 We began our abc will see this when our masterpieces through letter Zz are finished in October!
It's a keeper!
Aa is for Apple...
And alligator!
Oh, An alligator purse!

 Tuesday was Bb day.
This kiddo brought us bbbbananas!
We painted free form bears!

So cute!

Here's our Bb page in our abc book:

Tuesday's centers included:
Painting circles with 'marshmallows'....

making triangles from squares...

Counting/recording/color coding
Warm Fuzzies...

Sorting shapes...

A bonus station was creating squares from rectangles...

Wednesday brought new table activities called Morning Challenges!
Each table team works together to solve the puzzle/game/activity!
The activities rotate each day for fun and friendly learning, cooperating, and problem solving!
Pattern puzzles...

One to one counting

ABC matching

Math is in full swing!
Topic 1 is sorting and classifying.
The whole group lesson is on the smartboard which we work through together, then we have individual practice.

Wednesday was also Cc Day!
We painted the bears we cut out on Bb day yesterday.
We made big C C C COLORFUL  bears!

Here they are in the hallway:

This fella brought out Cc treat.
I forgot to take a picture of him holding his CocoPuffs in a Cup (cleveridea!)
So he's being a good sport and pretending to hold them for the picture!
Ha!  Love it!
Here is our Cc page:

Thursday was Dd day and this darling brought Danimals Yogurt!

Our leader is reading the delicious morning chart!
Our Dd page:

Thursday's centers included:
A pre center bonus...We painted the eggs for Friday's ABC Book!

Our favorite kind of sorting...M&M sorting by color!

Brown bear color words sorting...

Brown bear one to one counting...

And a brain break table of playdo!

Friday we went to the LIBRARY for the first time!
We met Ms. Kay and Ms. Manly!
K kids need to return their library books by THURSDAY each week...thanks!

Here's our Ee page:

This fella brought us animal crackers for Ee day snack...
we went on an ELEPHANT search!  
I have such clever K parents!

And now for the week of September 19-23:
Reading: Letters Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii, Jj 
Rhyming and beginning sounds
Math: sorting and grouping
Theme: finish Brown Bear, begin Pete the Cat and Fall themes
Social Studies: Friend at School
Big News:
The Apple orchard sign up is due Tuesday, Sept 20

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