
Friday, September 9, 2016


Welcome to a review of our first week!
Before we begin, here are the OPEN HOUSE
pics for your viewing pleasure...

Okay so our first day was a blast!
Sadly we did have a crier but that is all worked out now and things are much quieter!
Here the kiddos are doing their seat work...

Everyday we will have 2 snack times.
Snacks from home are great if you provide enough for the whole class.  
In first grade your kiddo can bring individual snacks. 

Yep, we painted and glittered on the first day!
Love the message of the kissing hand!

We did enjoy choice time!
Here are some action shots...

During rest time Mrs. Gatzlaf is available to pull small groups.  On this day she played a dice game with us!

Here's another first day project!
Wow! What experts already!

And a goodbye first day gift...

Oh, don't you just love our Chester Raccoon?
He is the main character in our book,
The Kissing Hand!

 The day was over in a flash!
See, I'm still smiling!

These are pics of our morning challenges which we tackle right after unpacking our back packs.
This week we pretty much just explored math manipulatives.  Next week we begin the real challenges which are activities/puzzles/games we must work on together at our tables.  Fun!

We did lots of name work this week.
Remember only ONE capital letter per customer!
 We talked about graphs and collecting data.
With Mrs. G and myself, we have more girls than boys.
But if we just counts kids, the boys win!

 Thursday we introduced Learning Centers!
For one hour we have 4 stations to rotate through.
Today's fun, introductory stations were:
 Our Friends' Names...

 and painting our names!

We made these cute teddies this week as we read about Corduroy and A Pocket for Corduroy!
 We also played a fun whole group game...

Friday brought new morning challenges!
Here are our three new math manipulatives to explore...

Every day our leader gets to be the teacher TWICE during the day!
 One of the jobs is to read the morning message with the class!
 If you are reading this before your k kid gets home on Friday, act surprised!  We worked very hard on this lovely gift for YOU!
It's our way of saying THANK YOU for helping to get your k kid ready every day from homework, to donations, to reading to them daily!

Mrs. Gatzlaff played a counting to 10 and take away game with us using buttons and Pete the Cat's shirt!

Good Reads this week: 
And now for the week of September 12-16:
Reading: Letters Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee  and Rhyming
Math: Sorting by shape,size, and color
Theme: Wrap up buttons and pockets begin Brown Bear
Big News:
Book Orders are due Tuesday
(the online process is easy!)
Look for Apple Orchard field trip info coming home soon!

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