Friday, March 7, 2025

2025 Week 25 Read-Across-America and Dr. Seuss!

 My family and I went up to Two Harbors for the John Beargrease Sled Dog Race last weekend! We go every year to the starting line and a few of the checkpoints. This year the race was moved from January until last weekend on account of lack of snow. Thankfully there was plenty of snow on the other side of the Sawtooth Mountains!

Here's me in my birthday present... chest waders! I spent an hour in The Lake...33°. Best Day Ever!
Meanwhile back at school...
The family projects are looking great!
Thanks to all who sent your family's in,  and if you haven't yet,  there's still time!

Last Friday we looked at what items could be make made of...

On Tuesday, I made "green eggs and ham" for the kids with pretzels,  m&ms, and white chocolate! They will be making their own on Friday!

We also read There's a Wocket in My Pocket and made these cutie patootie Wockets!

One of my favorite activities to do with children is guided drawing.  Here is our latest: The Cat In The Hat! After sketching, we used watercolors to finish.   They are amazing!

Thank you for sending in Dr.Seuss books.  We created this real object graph using all the books!

On Thursday, Ms.Harcey showed us how to make these sweet Cat In The Hats:

Here's a fun Math game we played this week:

Thursday was our 111th day of school! What a fun number!

Ms. Harcey has been doing many fun activities teaching the kids about teen numbers!

The kids have also been doing a lot of journaling with Ms.Harcey ...

Social Studies this week was looking at communication long ago and today...

And finally,  choice time!

And now for the week of March 10-14:

Reading Language Arts: letter Jj, 

CVC words with short i in the middle. 

Sight Words:

review all so far

Grammar: verbs~nouns
Math: Finding the numbers in teens

Theme: Transportation

Science: How Do Parts Work Together?

Social Studies: Occupation


No School for

Students on

Monday, March 31

Workshop Day


Y ahora, para la semana del 10 al 14 de marzo:

Lectura, Lengua y Literatura: letra Jj,

Palabras CVC con i corta en el medio.

Palabras frecuentes:

Repasemos todo hasta ahora

Gramática: verbos~sustantivos

Matemática: Encontrar los números en la adolescencia

Tema: Transporte

Ciencias: ¿Cómo funcionan juntas las partes?

Estudios sociales: Ocupación


No habrá clases para

los estudiantes el

lunes 31 de marzo

Día de talleres


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