Friday, October 11, 2024

2024 Week 6 Fire Safety and Squirrels!

 Fire Safety week was a blast! Please review often what to do in case of a fire at your home,  including an escape plan and meeting spot. 

Kids should know their address as well.  

We made these super duper fire trucks to decorate our fire safety station.  


We also opened a Squirrel Station for Thursday and Friday's squirrel Theme. 

Thank you for all the lovely fall decorations and items for our Fall discovery table.  We are exploring these items daily!

Choice time is a nice time!

On Tuesday we listened to the funny book Rhyming Dust Bunnies then created our own rhyming dust bunny!

On Wednesday we recreated the classic Skittles experiment,  partly due to Elliot's generous donation of Skittles! Thank you!

We worked with a partner to set up the experiment! What beautiful fun!

We have 4, yes FOUR, more 100 counters!!!!
Congratulations,  Kiddos!

This week we focused on our sight word *like*

Wednesday's centers included:
Fire Safety...Stay Low and Go (we made a "smoke" tunnel!)

We also practiced Stop*Drop*and Roll...

We practiced dialing 911 on my phone!

Station 2 was ABC playdough...

Pattern Block lower case letters...


Fire Safety Letter Search...

And a bonus brain break table for letter Ss:
Slime, snakes, (moon) sand!

Here are more Stay Low and Go photos...

And Stop*Drop*and Roll...

This week's letters for our alphabet book are Qq, Rr, Ss, and Tt:

Thursday was Squirrel Day!
We learned a funny poem "Gray Squirrel" and then created a page for a lucky duck book about colorful squirrels!

We also made these giant squirrels!

There will be no Newsletter or Blog post for next week's super short week. 

And now for the week of October 14-15
And October 21-25:
Reading Language Arts: Letters Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz
beginning sounds
Sight word: *the*
Grammar: Nouns for Animals and Things
Math: read, write, make 6-9 
Social Studies: Community Homes
Science: Plants Change and Grow
Theme: Pumpkins, Bats, Spiders

Big News:
No school for students on Wednesday, October 16
MEA Fall Break for all on Thursday and Friday, October 17-18



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