Time to get into the bee hives!
I LOVE keeping bees!
My hubby rarely wears a bee suit and never gets stung. I do wear a bee suit and usually get stung anyway but not this year...lucky me!
This week in K we really began routines in earnest!
These kids are rocking this unusual year.
I am very lucky to be their teacher! AMAZING!
I gave the kiddos a tub of playdo for their bins at their tables. We use playdo to create letters, numbers, one-to-one correspondence (make 5 balls for example), and just for fun!
Look at all these Hh letters!
The k kids sorted the transformer bots into ABC order...just because!
We've had a lot of fun with Pete the Cat this week!
Aren't these the sweetest?
We have a new discovery table...apples!
The kiddos made a apple store with some of the items.
Letter Ff day we had another experiment with a FIZZing chemical reaction!
And now for the week of Sept.28-Oct. 2:
Literacy: Letter Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll
beginning sounds
Math: numbers 0-5
Theme: apples
Social Studies: Friends at School
Science: Animals Change and Grow
Big New:
Picture Day is Wednesday, October 7