Meet the newest member of the O'Duggan clan...Loki!
or Tootsie Noodles or Rolly Poly Olie!
I am sure a name will stick soon!
What a BEAUTIFUL week in Kindergarten!
Rainbows just seem to make everything better!
We have alphabetizers in our room!
These ladies worked hard to put the Poetry Journals in abc order...BY LAST NAME! WOW!
We began partner reading for our book box time!
Tuesday's centers included:
Color Word Puzzles...
Ways to Make 5...
Painting Rainbows...
Sorting and Reading Star Words...
This lady brought Dd snack this week!
Oh, yeah, that's right, I will bring the rest after next week
(thank you, Lideeya's Mom, for volunteering for Xx week)
If you would like to bring a snack for one of the remaining letters:
Ee, Jj, Oo, Uu, Ww, or Yy
please let me know, I would be glad to share my turns!
What engineers we have had lately!
Such beautiful patterns!
Here are a few of the pages from a Lucky Duck book created this week based on the book by Donald Freeman called
Thursday's new morning challenges are:
Building Teens ...
Rainbow Sentences...
Building Words...
Thursday's Centers included:
Rainbow Mixed Up Words...
Justin's Mom helped with addition sums for 10...
Wow! Those are some great fact families!
Science this week is how we change things so we pulled in this NATURE or MANMADE sort...
and color word hunt with MAGNIFIERS!
In math we had a fun lesson on ODD or EVEN!
Earlier this week we illustrated this BEAUTIFUL, FUN POEM about RAINBOW HAIR...
On Friday we took our Snuggle Stuffies with us everywhere we went! What fun!
Plus we got to practice self control, because I am telling you, having a little snuggly beside you can really cause the wiggles to come out in even the best of us!
The kids had to review the rules with their animal.
They really did a nice job, kiddo and stuffie alike!
Good Reads...
And now for the week of March 30-April 2:
Reading: Letter Xx, short e, blending sounds
Math: Larger numbers
Theme: Spring Themes
Science: What are things made of?
No School April 3-6 Spring Break
No School for K Kids Friday, April 24
due to Kindergarten Round Up
(1st-12th is in session)