Thursday, May 30, 2024

2024 The End!


Kindergarten is such a special year filled with so much growth: physically,  academically,  socially,  and emotionally. I'm so lucky that I get to be part of that process. 


Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I could not do this without your support! You will always be your child's most important teacher.  I just get to share a little of that journey with you.  For that I'm grateful!


Can you believe how quickly the year went by? 

I cherished every moment with them.   I might have even cried a little during a goodbye book!

We learned the word 'bittersweet'... sigh... 
it's so hard to let go.

So without further ado, 
here they are,  
the Kindergarten Class of 2024:

I will miss YOU!
Mrs. O'Duggan

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