Friday, September 6, 2024

2024 Week 1 Welcome and Kissing Hand!

A huge and heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who came to Open House!  It was priceless to have your k kid all ready for the first day!


Thank you for so many donations to our classroom. The sharing stars are rolling in and I appreciate every single item. 

Wowza! What a beautiful first week of school!

I did not get many pictures we were just soooo busy.

I will be adding our Friday art project to next week's blog as I typically get our blog written and ready to publish on Thursday evening. 

Here are a few shots of our wonderful first week:

We will have 2 choice times daily!

Here is our first painting project...a kissing hand for you!

And here they are! Our 2024-2025 kindergarten class!

And now for the week of September 9-13:

Reading Language Arts: Letters Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd

Rhyming and Syllables

Math: Count, Recognize, and Make 1,2,3

Theme: Brown Bear and Corduroy

Science: Animals Have Body Parts

Social Studies: We learn from our families


Book orders due Thursday,  Sept.12

Thursday, Sept 12 all school fire drill, safety drill, and storm drill

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