Friday, March 22, 2024

2024 Week 27 Spring Animals

. I made it back safe and sound from my whirlwind trip to Florida.  I thought you might enjoy seeing my Florida Family!

I have 2 little granddaughters, age 7 and 2, who live just 1/2 mile from the ocean.  How lucky am I?

Our new poem for this week seems appropriate!


We got a jump start on our Spring Animals unit this week.  There are just soooo many cute and meaningful projects for us to tackle!

This one  is an oldie but a goodie:

"My little yellow duck is really quite funny,

for when I turn him over,

He's the Easter Bunny!"

We talked about perception and optical illusions.

Two things the kids found fascinating!

Here are a few new learning centers around the room:

On Tuesday we learned about the life cycle of chickens and then created these little fluffy chicks. We needed to think of an adjective to describe our cutie-patooties!

Our  Dramatic Play area is all set for some Spring Time fun!

We journal everyday, usually practicing sentences and sight words.
This little guy is really knocking my socks off with his entries!

Wednesday's centers included these stations:
Station 1 Spring Time Pattern Blocks...

Station 2
Easter Basket Play Dough Fun...


Station 3: Easter Egg Sight Words...


Station 4 Bunnies Love Carrots Addition...

Station 5 Read the Room
Bunnies and Number Words...

Choice time!

We are creating these for next week!
How adorable! What a great way to recycle and support my bad habit of buying $5 gum packs for the car.  Haha!

On Thursday we began our rainbow unit.
This theme,  along with weather and seasons, will be picked up again after Spring break.
Our rainbow decorations are soooo sweet!

And now for the weeks of 
March 25-26
April 2-5
Reading Language Arts:
Letter Ee short e and long e and magic e (intro)
Sight Words: *she*her*all*when*over*some
Grammar: Proper Nouns for Days of the Week

Math: Shapes
Science: Gravity
Social Studies: Cardinal C.A.R.E.S
Theme: Weather and Rainbows

Big News:
Spring Break for Students
Wednesday, March 27-Monday, April 1


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